Air purifier for smell?


New Member
no i wouldnt use this get a lil 8oz hing of ona odor blocker and poke holes in top when plant starts to smell


Active Member
alright i'll try that for sure, so in your experience how well does it get rid of the smell?


Active Member
I was pleased with the gel but I go through it quick. So far, I followed the pros advice and went with carbon scrubbers. I had 4 Auroras Indicas in flower when my last filter reached it's end went and came home to a very sweeet smelling but SUSPCIOUSLY MJ aroma in the air. I got down to the hydro store and bought a replacement. I was CLEAN smelling within 20 min. Scrubbers get it done bro. Maybe make yourself a small one?


New Member
yea a can carbon filter and sum ona will do sum good. this is by far the best way to reduce smell! trust in me thy grasshopper lol


Active Member
i'll get on that then i saw the do it yourself sections, i just wanted an easy solution. I'll take your advice and do the walmart filter it looks pretty good