I have hot-glued things to the stones themselves, such as fishing sinkers and glass marbles. I like the idea of using gravel bags. For buying airstones, I like the cheap 12 inch stones from my local pet store. Even tho the kind at walmart seem to be better quality, they always fall apart on me pretty quickly. I have also tried the 2ft and 4ft flex airtubes and they are pure crap. I personally like making my own. I use a 3/4 or 1/2 inch air line, cut 4-12 inches of length, block one end by glueing a glass marble or sinker into it, and then cutting many many slits into it with a razor knife. I have a bunch of attachment pieces I collected from 1inch walmart stones that fell apart, I glue them on the other end and I have a pretty good air stone. Hot glue does not effect my nutrient solution, but it will fall apart and need re-glued after 3 or 4 months. Also, one of my best purchases was a small air compressor that moves 950gph. Only cost me $35 and it will oxygenate 8 6gal tubs no problem.