AK-48...1 week 12/12...LST


Well-Known Member
my girls were vegged for 1 month. they have been under 12/12 lighting for 1 week. im using CFL's for lighting. I have 10 42 watt CFL's. thats 28,000 lumens. im using FF big bloom and tiger bloom. here goes a few pics. one of the plants is just literally covered in hairs. u cant really tell from the pics.
ONE PROBLEM THOUGH!!! it seems like my plants take turn drooping. i dont know if its from heat stress or watering issue. whats your opinion? (you can leave a comment. i dont bite!)



Well-Known Member
I seriously hope you weren't expecting advice on healthy plants..... your plants look fine and you know they do, so let me slap you on the back first and say nice job.....

Now let's think for a moment.... you are growing under CFLs, very little heat..... common sense tells me we can rule out heat stress..... On the other hand, you have plants with many new flowers on them.... Do ya think their water needs could be going up?

Not sure what it is you are looking for, hope you find it.

Happy Harvests


Well-Known Member
What? No response yet to comment? I might as well delete it....

<stomps foot and cries like baby>



Well-Known Member
sorry everyone..when your hiding something and you cant tell anyone its nice to come on here and share what your doing. so by showing you guys it helps relieve the stress of wanting to really tell someone. i know serapis i diddnt respond so quick its just that every other time i checked there were no resposes.

Ya charlie i topped both of them. the first one got topped on accident i lowered the main cola and later on notice it was halfway split so instead of repairing it i just topped it. 2 days later the sucker had grown so much i said damn "i need to top the other one"... so i did... the plant diddnt hit a big growth spirt but four colas replaced the one i cut so all in all it worked out!

i woke up this morning and the plnts not droopy. i guess sometimes she likes to lower her leaves. i diddnt water her or nothing but shes perked right back up. i did read somewhere on here that when the plant is focusing on roots it will lower the leaves or the leaves will droop a little. that might be the cause but im guessing i shouldnt even fret.

i hope the colas keep on comming but i think i counted 15 or 16!! not too bad for my first grow i guess!!