AK 48 Clone confusion!

Okay so I posted about these clones in another thread about a week ago. I have 6 clones in a aero bucket which I ordered from htg. I have 1 26w cfl on them hanging about 1ft above the top of the plants. Take a look @ the pic because I m very confused. These clones have been in the bucket for 1 month. The very bottom of the clones as you can see looked this way since week 2, I thought that was signs of the plant rooting but not very much happened since then. Today after just about being ready to give up I took the best looking clone out of the neoprene collar & noticed a nice set of fresh white roots growing kind of into the collar! If I never took it out the collar I woudn't of even noticed it. now my confusion is what should I do?? the roots are growing about 2 inches from where I made the cut, why is this happening? should I cut the stem a little bit below where the roots really seem to be growing? In a nutshell it seems like I have two sets of roots growing out of 1 stem. & 1 set looks way better than the other. Noob problems lol..



Well-Known Member
it will be ok its rooting out of the node area where you cut the branch off and had it a little lower in the neopreme same thing happens when you plant them deep in soil more roots grow which is what you what more roots more growth = more buds


Well-Known Member
I think you have some other issues if that is 1 months growth, IMO the roots should be quite well developed by now.