Ak47 auto drooping?


Active Member
repotted about 4 days ago and has been looking a bit droopy since. thought maybe letting it dry out it would start to perk back up. should that be the case?

the plant is under 250watt cfl bulb 18/6 lighting schedule. got perlite mixed in with the potting mix


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
That looks like classic pH problems bro. I am seeing this more and more with coco substrates. One of the first things to happen when pH is out of whack is Mg starts getting locked out, and in coco also N to quite a severe level. "canoeing' leaf tips are usually a sign of too low pH no matter what the substrate.
Are you pH'ing your watering/feeds? And VERY importnat question I want you to answer honestly for me: did you wash your coco? And was it pre-buffered using CaMg+?
We will get her looking great in the next three days. That is an MH promise!


Active Member
That looks like classic pH problems bro. I am seeing this more and more with coco substrates. One of the first things to happen when pH is out of whack is Mg starts getting locked out, and in coco also N to quite a severe level. "canoeing' leaf tips are usually a sign of too low pH no matter what the substrate.
Are you pH'ing your watering/feeds? And VERY importnat question I want you to answer honestly for me: did you wash your coco? And was it pre-buffered using CaMg+?
We will get her looking great in the next three days. That is an MH promise!
i've just got it in hortico potting mix with perlite. have been watering with ph about 6.7 i think.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
i've just got it in hortico potting mix with perlite. have been watering with ph about 6.7 i think.
Shit my bad, looked like a coco mix bud... OK, here's what I want you to do and please trust me on this one. You need to come see the Wizard. I really know my shit in coco, but I am learning from the best of the best when it comes to soil. GandalfdaGreen and Rrog will have your girl looking perfect, in 3 days MAX.


Swing past this thread, show this picture and bring the following details: Soil Mix, Nutes given up to this point at what dose, your pH, what additives you have added to the soil, approximate moisture levels, grow box temps, and absolutely any other detail you can think of. Gandalf should be popping past in the next few hours so get on it. Trust me bro. Many plants have gotten the ICU on that thread. 3 days MAX. She will look wonderful.


New Member
check your ph in the soil and runoff of water anything below 6.8 is to low for autos.autos are tempermental when it comes to ph