

What size of planting pot should I put AK47 in? I have never grown a strain that is really short. Does it have a large root system? Where can I find strain specific info?


Active Member
There's so many strains that growers just use general rules that are good for all plants and it's best if you follow these too, then if you see that your grow isn't going well you can iscolate the aspect that isn't good for your plant in particular and change it to fit your plant's needs. You should start from seed in a party cup, probably at least 16 oz (450 ml i believe) which has drainage holes cut into it, this lowers the chance of your seed being washed away into a mess of soil and also gives it the room it needs to grow without smothering it.

Then when the roots show through the cup or the plant gets to be about the size of its container it's time to move that to a bigger pot, some people just upgrade to say a 5 litre pot then later give it a 10+litre pot but what a lot of people do (especially scroggers) is whack it into its final pot to stop it going through too much stress and so that it doesn't need to be transplanted again (important in scrog because that girl's gonna get tangled up)


I use a 1 gallon container untill they are sexed,and than put them in 3 or 5 gallon pots.I just start them in a small container to begin.