Alaska to sue over beluga whales


Well-Known Member
Alaska to sue over beluga whales

Anchorage - The state of Alaska says it will go to court to challenge the federal decision to protect beluga whales in Cook Inlet under the Endangered Species Act.
The state said on Wednesday it wants the federal government to withdraw its decision to list the inlet's population of the small whales as threatened.
Gov Sarah Palin has said she opposes the listing of the Cook Inlet belugas because of the effect it could have on development. The city of Anchorage is on Cook Inlet.
The population of the white whales in the inlet has been declining for years and is estimated at fewer than 300.
Scientists say if nothing changes the Cook Inlet whales are headed toward extinction. The government listing does not apply to belugas elsewhere around Alaska and the Arctic.

Jeesus woman.. get your priorities right.


Active Member
Over 300 species a day are becoming extinct. Why should she care about this one? The human monoculture is coming!


New Member
I wish she'd fall into the inlet and one of those whales would swallow her. Shooting wolves and polar bears from helicopters, now she wants to kill off the whales. What a snatch........


Well-Known Member
I was watching yesterday when Republicans were saying she should shut the fuck up and get out of limelight... daughters a tramp...fathers family into drugs... yep presidential material... but then again bush was screwing tramps and doing drugs and booze.. I guess its a prerequisite .............


Well-Known Member
Who else would be a politician but a sleazy person... bullshitting IS the job..... its just who does a better job with minimal sleaze...


Well-Known Member
I should go into politics, the only sleaze in my back ground is pot and it's not sleazy at all.
You're such a rebel..... Is it me or is there a race to destroy the earth and everything in it all in the sake of the NOW greed... isn't anyone thinking about the future of the children... poisoned earth and mega debt.. thats the legacy....


New Member
You're such a rebel..... Is it me or is there a race to destroy the earth and everything in it all in the sake of the NOW greed... isn't anyone thinking about the future of the children... poisoned earth and mega debt.. thats the legacy....
I'm pretty sure it's not just you. The people that believe the end times are here, (Evangelicals and nutcases), want to get all they can while they can and fuck posterity. You can see these greedy fucks right here on this site, I will not name names but you and I know who they are, eh.


Well-Known Member
You're such a rebel..... Is it me or is there a race to destroy the earth and everything in it all in the sake of the NOW greed... isn't anyone thinking about the future of the children... poisoned earth and mega debt.. thats the legacy....
No it isnt just you twisty,i think much the same way,who in their right mind would ever allow a whale to be hunted,its absolutely amazing the thought of an entire species of such a magnificent mamal to be wiped clean from the earth.

That ship the Steve Irwin thats featured on the animal planet should have a deck gun to blow the whalers right out of the water,makes me fukin sick to watch those assholes hunt those beautifil things,absolutely sickening when you stop to think about such a smart creature being hunted to the brink & beyond.

The volunteers on that ship are hero's in my eye's.


Well-Known Member
Its not just the disregard to animals.. they don't shit where they live....(except stupid cows pigs, but I digress)... its the total plundering of the earth... where in gods name do they think the future will be living... Mars.. I guess they do... I'm glad in a way that I've got a finite life span and rapidly approaching demise (or so it seems) because all I see is an apocalyptic future...... air unbreathable, water undrinkable (if any)...etc shit look at Asia now..whats its going to be like in 25 years..???


New Member
Its not just the disregard to animals.. they don't shit where they live....(except stupid cows pigs, but I digress)... its the total plundering of the earth... where in gods name do they think the future will be living... Mars.. I guess they do... I'm glad in a way that I've got a finite life span and rapidly approaching demise (or so it seems) because all I see is an apocalyptic future...... air unbreathable, water undrinkable (if any)...etc shit look at Asia now..whats its going to be like in 25 years..???
It's even closer, look at Mexico, outside of the main tourist attractions that they must keep clean for the tourists, it is basically a shithole, all of south America outside of tourist zones are basically shitholes. Heck, even here in the good old USA we have our inner citt shitholes. My generation has seen the best of times. I feel sorry for my kids and grandkids. The only thing they'll have is what me and my wife can leave them, hopefully a paid off home and a couple a hundred K to survive on when the shit gets real deep, well that and an arsenal of firearms, thanks Grandpa.


Well-Known Member
It's even closer, look at Mexico, outside of the main tourist attractions that they must keep clean for the tourists, it is basically a shithole, all of south America outside of tourist zones are basically shitholes. Heck, even here in the good old USA we have our inner citt shitholes. My generation has seen the best of times. I feel sorry for my kids and grandkids. The only thing they'll have is what me and my wife can leave them, hopefully a paid off home and a couple a hundred K to survive on when the shit gets real deep, well that and an arsenal of firearms, thanks Grandpa.
I watched this thing last week I think it was costa rica where this lead factory puts out so much particulate that the locals have to sweep, dust everything daily........ I fear the apple pie and baseball era we grew up with MM is long gone.... neighbors live next door to people who they never even talk too... at work you can lose a job you've been loyal to for years with nary a handshake and pension....thats if some millionaire hasn't stolen it..... areas where you live where you'll die if you venture out at night... how can this be justified to the next generation...


New Member
Wait a minute! Have any of you Enviro-Nazis ever eaten the meat of one of those White Whales? It's absolutely delicious. It tastes like a cross between Spotted Owl and Snow Leopard with a little Condor thrown into the mix. bongsmilie



New Member
Wait a minute! Have any of you Enviro-Nazis ever eaten the meat of one of those White Whales? It's absolutely delicious. It tastes like a cross between Spotted Owl and Snow Leopard with a little Condor thrown into the mix. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Wait a minute! Have any of you Enviro-Nazis ever eaten the meat of one of those White Whales? It's absolutely delicious. It tastes like a cross between Spotted Owl and Snow Leopard with a little Condor thrown into the mix. bongsmilie

I've no issues with hunting (I don't do it)..or eating whatever but when an animal can be and is hunted or put in danger of extinction I have a problem.. Here in Canada when the fact that cod stocks were becoming
low a moratorium was put on them that hurt the fishermen (briefly).. then to save the stock and lively hood of the coming generation.. now stocks are back.. a well managed commodity...
I hear a nice red Baboon ass on rice is good...
Look at Asia..4 feet... good to eat..... can you say Sars... I knew you could....

Sorry about palin/whale jack.... that almost sounds gross....:shock:


Well-Known Member
OK - I am going to stick my neck out here. I am not anti-environmentalist, but I do consider myself a Libertarian/proponent of states' rights. Alaska is 1/4 the size of the continental US. It is mostly undeveloped. You can fly over an area the size of several New England states and not see a single road, house, or trace of man. This one inlet is off of their capital city, the one area they want economic development, and they are told no.

Ass-wipes 8000 miles away who have never set foot in Alaska get to say how they live. These people have over-developed every square mile along the Eastern seaboard, polluted the rivers and lakes, and even allowed the destruction of mountains in the applications for dirty coal in their backyard. But now have to shut down a harbor because of one group of whales. It's hypocrisy!

Kind of like Californians passing a law that allows for medical pot and the federal government saying we don't give a shit and raiding the places anyway. If I were Schwarzenegger I'd put armed state militia in front of every discrepancy ... but I digress.