Alaskan Members! I need your help!!!


Well-Known Member
Please don’t let Justin Scott Schneider have any peace in life. Ever

This piece of shit makes me wanna fly up there and beat his face into a pulp. I’m not violent, but I’d fucking destroy this monster.
For reference only.

Justin Schneider, 33, was arrested Aug. 10 and charged with assault and harassment after he allegedly choked and masturbated on a woman in Anchorage on Aug. 8, 2017.

A former Eagle River man who choked a woman into unconsiousness before sexually assaulting her won’t have to serve jail time after making a deal with Anchorage prosecutors.
He’s walking without even having to register as a sex offender. Makes me wanna beat the shit outta that asshole judge too.


I’m holdin you responsible for taking care of this, Alaskans. Fuck. Get these guys.
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Another rapist white male

And the white male judge who let him off the hook for this is a republican, appointed by a republican governor

The deeply republican state of Alaska is the rapiest place in the world per capita