Alert! dont buy from ebay seller mixwholesale


New Member
Just purchased a light from these guys they claim to have good customer service and what a crock of chit. Any way package said hps 600watt all over the box, box looked like it had been opened, and the ballast was bent to chit. got a email reply stating that I could keep the light since it still worked and they would offer me a partial refund. I was ok with that but then they emailed me back and retracted their offer and only offered me a 15 buck credit. imo I wouldnt purchase from them there are better sellers on ebay that take much better care of their customers if there is a problem. I'm just going to chalk this one off as paying new price for beat up equipment:peace:


Well-Known Member
Good to know thx, I used ebay twice now and the second light gets here today.., thankfuly neither from that seller.. +reps.. ty. So you didnt use paypal ?


I am always weary of things like that happening, so when I buy something off ebay, I look at there return policy, and ALWAYS use paypal. I heard (from an experienced ebay seller) that paypal will always side with the customer on a dispute IF: they have contacted the seller in a timely manner, all complies with agreed return policy, and everything is documented on your side.


Well-Known Member
I am always weary of things like that happening, so when I buy something off ebay, I look at there return policy, and ALWAYS use paypal. I heard (from an experienced ebay seller) that paypal will always side with the customer on a dispute IF: they have contacted the seller in a timely manner, all complies with agreed return policy, and everything is documented on your side.
I confirm paypal always sides with the customer, I sold a old ipod on Ebay and the seller wanted a refund for whatever reason even tho it stated sold AS~IS NO REFUNDS. He sends me a package that i thought contained the IPOD and it contained a porno DVD, I still had to refund the piece of shit for 40 bucks and never saw the ipod again, I was pissed to say the least


Well-Known Member
I almost bought off of Mixedwholesale, however look at his offerings/listings.... lots of rough diamonds? He sells what he can make money on, no focus. I decided to steer clear. I believe the feedback indicates issues as well. I've also heard from others that his/her shipping is NOT discrete. I suspect they drop ship. Keep buying from those who make it their business to know the equipment they list for sale.


New Member
yes I used pay pal but here is my way of looking at it I had clones that was going to a areo table that were ready and messing around with sending this light back and going threw all that wasn't a option for me. Ive always ordered my equipment from ebay and never once had a problem with discrete shipping or the quality of the product until i dealt with these guys. Not all of us live in states where we can get away with having boxes shipped to us with 600 watt pro on all 4 sides of the box. I will add a update to this situation I emailed them back and told them to just keep the 15 dollar credit that I would never use it and they have replied back that the rep that contacted me was confused and it will be a 15 dollar refund tho I have yet to see it in my paypal account but it is the weekend and I know that don't happen over night. I still think for privacy issues for some growers (depending on your situation ordering from any vendor that dont ship discretely)is a gamble none of us wish to take. ty 4 the rep

lisa L

-Till the light burns out in week 3 of flowering and you are really screwed. Or it burns your house down, and you're even more screwed. Or, it burns your house down and you go to jail when they find the remnants of your grow op. (Kidding, but hell, anything is possible.)

You want to get an honored warranty as well--Especially if it's digital! Paypal is so ridiculously pro-buyer that you will be totally covered. Hell, build an el-cheapo CFL/power strip combo for now, and you should have most things resolved by the time you truly need the upgraded light. (Assuming you don't have 100 clones or something excessive.) Even shop-lights would work as a temporary stop-gap to keep things minimally growing, and not dead.

As for discretion, your box could probably say "600 watt, most likely to be used for growing weed" and you would probably NEVER see a knock on the door. (They need a heck of a lot more than that to get a valid warrant, but you're right, it might arouse suspcicion. Even a 600 watt burning 24 hours a day still wouldn't be enough in electricity to get you cooked, though. Honestly, if you're okay with shelling out a few bucks more, a hydro store within 100 miles would be no less secure.