Algae ??

Hi there guys im new to this forum so sorry if im being stupid :roll: and asking a question thats probably previously been asked but ive been trying to find an answer for my concern but had no joy so hopefully someone could help me. Im just a little concerned to how i can prevent algae!? i know that keeping direct light of nute solution is a must so thats taken care of but im getting a slight hint of the smell just starting although not visiable i want to deal with it before it becomes a problem and was wondering whats the best / cheapest thing i can add to nutrient tank clearly without harming the ladies!? and that can leave it in there confident of it doing what it says on the tin, Ive just been down to the local aquatics place and looked at pond algae treatment that states that its not harmfull for pond plants but before purchasing it wanted to know if anyone has used this sort of pond treatment before??

hope someone can advise me cheers
Oh right cheers so I guess I must have a light leak somewhere then but saying that it's not stinking or green it's just getting a little smell to it so either the start so must be leak or I'm just paranoid lol:-?


Well-Known Member
as others have said its a light leak, but it has to be a strong one

i grew a mother plant under a 125w cfl the plant grew ok, i normally use mh's .. first time i used a cfl for the whole vegging
i noticed the total absence of algae in the tanks under the cfl, i didn't even need to put any covering to protect the roots the plants grew in veg for 8 weeks or so with roots totally exposed .. i expected to see normal algae growth as with HID'S, i guess the light level needs to reach a certain intensity before algae will develop
the cfl here at 9000 lumen was not strong enough to produce it
so aslong as no intense light makes contact with the solution you will never see algae :)


Light emitted through your containers can be enough to cause algae growth.
H202 will not kill algae just as it does not kill your plants.
you are starting to smell it? Algae in the res does not typically smell even in large amounts enough for you to know it.
I would be concerned about disease, it does smell.

Here is what i would do- With lights on look in your res and see if your water is getting any light at all, if it is get some tape and cover up all light leaks.
2nd consult this thread, lots of good info on keeping a healthy hydro system.
Good luck