Aliens , multivers


Well-Known Member
Hi peeps i thought that i shear that vid with u , i always like stuff like that , it gets me thinking :D



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Well-Known Member
I enjoy thinking about these kind of things too. It doesn't take much intellect to see that the idea that we are all alone in the universe is much less likely than that we are probably surrounded by intelligent life. I think that the main problem most folks have when they try to decide if alien life exists is the whole "well then, why haven't they stopped by to say hi" argument. I think the good Dr. explained this pretty well in the first vid.

The next argument I get from people is the speed of light barier vs. distance problem. My go to response is to try to get them to imagine what it would have taken for someone from the 14th century to comprehend the idea that you can actually travel at a speed fast enough to get where you are going before the sound of your travel gets there.(sound barier) The light speed barier is still intact for us as a species only because we haven't developed our understanding of physics to a point to see the way around it yet.

Have I ever seen a UFO? I don't think so. When I was a boy, I was fishing on the river behind my house. It was after dark and I happened to look up through the trees at the right moment. Movement caught my attention. What I saw was a ring of dim light that was moving East to West. It was a crystal clear night with a million stars. Inside the ring were stars, just like outside the ring, only they moved along with the ring. As the ring passed over a bright background star, it disappeared behind the ring and showed back up as the ring moved past it's position. I liken what I saw to camouflage. It made an impression on me. Was it a UFO? Probably not. I know that something like 95% of UFO sightings can be explained so most likely what I saw falls into that catagory. What about the other 5% though? There are MANY credible sightings on record.

My grandmother was 99 years old when she died. In her lifetime, She saw mankind go from horse and buggy to seeing a man on the moon. Computers, amazing medical break throughs and a thousand othe useful advancments for mankind. Imagine what another 100 years will bring.