
Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Didn’t see a thread but thought one is needed.

Discuss everything extraterrestrial here, personal accounts whatever is most welcome.

The US government is releasing a review on UFOs at the end of the month. The video circulating of the US airforce pilots baffled by that black rotating UFO is a good one to watch for slightly skeptic people.

I thought it’d be interesting to see how many people have had UFO encounters.

Ive personally experienced a few. An incredible bright spinning disc about the size of a pea in the sky. It just appeared in the night sky and few across the horizon making 2 swift turns. It was the most graceful movement I’ve ever witnessed. And just beside this UFO was an aeroplane coming into land for a point of reference. Must’ve been travelling thousands of mph.

Another encounter was much more bizarre. My bro and I were just coming back from the river. I was baked he was sober. As we crossed the field back to the car I heard this electric like wobbling waving sound. It sounded like a bird from the jungle was in the woods. As we walked across the field there was a stream/trench dividing the road and the field. All of a sudden the noise appeared at the top of the stream at the field. Then shot down to the other side. We were puzzled like how fast is that bird moving?! It sounded as if it was messing with us.

The second we start trying to reason what it could be it went ‘whumwhumwhumwhumwhum’ right over our heads!! About 5ft above. Insanely loud. We were in stitches!! Amazed at our experience. We never doubted UFO’s or aliens so we are open to the idea. Then as it flew over us we heard this deep bassy throbbing sound coming from miles away which concluded that.

Ive also seen many a moving lights in the night sky which can wiggle or move in a organic way rather than being on a single trajectory like a satellite.

These are my personal accounts. Combined with the millions of other experiences (some poor nobs actually got sucked up in a craft and poked about) it’s becoming more and more common knowledge that we’re not alone.

Anyone else got experiences, personal or other they’d like to share?
Didn’t see a thread but thought one is needed.

Discuss everything extraterrestrial here, personal accounts whatever is most welcome.

The US government is releasing a review on UFOs at the end of the month. The video circulating of the US airforce pilots baffled by that black rotating UFO is a good one to watch for slightly skeptic people.

I thought it’d be interesting to see how many people have had UFO encounters.

Ive personally experienced a few. An incredible bright spinning disc about the size of a pea in the sky. It just appeared in the night sky and few across the horizon making 2 swift turns. It was the most graceful movement I’ve ever witnessed. And just beside this UFO was an aeroplane coming into land for a point of reference. Must’ve been travelling thousands of mph.

Another encounter was much more bizarre. My bro and I were just coming back from the river. I was baked he was sober. As we crossed the field back to the car I heard this electric like wobbling waving sound. It sounded like a bird from the jungle was in the woods. As we walked across the field there was a stream/trench dividing the road and the field. All of a sudden the noise appeared at the top of the stream at the field. Then shot down to the other side. We were puzzled like how fast is that bird moving?! It sounded as if it was messing with us.

The second we start trying to reason what it could be it went ‘whumwhumwhumwhumwhum’ right over our heads!! About 5ft above. Insanely loud. We were in stitches!! Amazed at our experience. We never doubted UFO’s or aliens so we are open to the idea. Then as it flew over us we heard this deep bassy throbbing sound coming from miles away which concluded that.

Ive also seen many a moving lights in the night sky which can wiggle or move in a organic way rather than being on a single trajectory like a satellite.

These are my personal accounts. Combined with the millions of other experiences (some poor nobs actually got sucked up in a craft and poked about) it’s becoming more and more common knowledge that we’re not alone.

Anyone else got experiences, personal or other they’d like to share?
I’m personally excited to see the govt report.

thats an amazing story !

it seems that there is very little knowledge of this govt release. I ask everybody about it snd mostdon’t even really care or brush it off like a non issue. As a society it’s like we are soooo concerned with the microverse (viruses and vaccine) and just the endless shit pile of news, sensational storys and separating ourselves than the near fact that my childhood fantasies are real IS not exciting….

the 10 year old me can’t believe EVERYONE is not talking about this. Sad to me. Let’s get the conversation going. Nice thread!

The argument for eating Aliens

  1. Aliens come here uninvited.
  2. They ate Elvis.
  3. They mutilate our cattle, and probe abductees by performing other unspeakable acts upon unsuspecting victims.
  4. They are plentiful, more plentiful than the strained seas and land resources, and they seem to be coming in increasing numbers (if you beleive what some people are saying).
  5. They are Kosher meat.
  6. They taste good if prepared well.
  7. According to some,they mess around with the Space Shuttle, when astronauts launch satelites.
  8. Their meat is safer than British Beef.
Sure did - just not very well haha I’ll have a dig
Try science & technology or spirituality

I saw that report and am curious. I'm wondering what drone technology we have that might be able to mirror that tech. I also wonder about other tech that can cause those type of visualizations. Unknown aerial phenomena don't necessarily translate to aliens, tasty tasty aliens ...
Try science & technology or spirituality

I saw that report and am curious. I'm wondering what drone technology we have that might be able to mirror that tech. I also wonder about other tech that can cause those type of visualizations. Unknown aerial phenomena don't necessarily translate to aliens, tasty tasty aliens ...

That’s true. It’s far more complex I believe than we can even imagine.

This is a crazy abduction story. The audio recording is brilliant too if you can find it.
Saw one back in the nineties still sends shivers down my spine was on a rural lane I was driving no other cars on the lane I had 3 passengers to our left we all saw a pulsing light very similar colour to burlple grow lights about 6ft off the ground I stopped the car right beside it we all watched mouths open for about 20-30 seconds then it just flew straight over the car fastest thing I have ever seen with zero noise I bump into the passengers every now and then and it’s the first thing we talk about … ☮️
Saw one back in the nineties still sends shivers down my spine was on a rural lane I was driving no other cars on the lane I had 3 passengers to our left we all saw a pulsing light very similar colour to burlple grow lights about 6ft off the ground I stopped the car right beside it we all watched mouths open for about 20-30 seconds then it just flew straight over the car fastest thing I have ever seen with zero noise I bump into the passengers every now and then and it’s the first thing we talk about … ☮
I see them all the time. Then again I live in between Edwards AFB and Plant 42.