All around yellow plants, tried everything


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, its your friendly neighborhood forum lurker here. Been watching for a while now, and finally decided to post this.

I'm having some issues with my vegetative side of things. Straight out of the cloner after 2-3 weeks, these girls all turn yellow and just stop growing. I can't seem to bring them back no matter what.

Room temp - 76 humidity - 68%ish

water - 60ish degrees F, 800ppm (general hydro nutrients), ph - 5.8-6.1 on any given day.

light above this table are 2 - 400w metal halides. i am running a NFT system, with no rockwool (is this the cause, no buffer?) the roots are directly in the nutrient solution.

i have no idea what to do at this point, tried everything. have adjusted ph, temp, ppm, got some MagiCal for the magnesium def, started an H202 regime, even got some MicroBrew for the roots. nothing wroks. Any ideas guys? I'm at a loss and discouraged.



Well-Known Member
how well are the roots devoloped on the clones?i would lay off your veg base nutrients and just run trace elements thru your system and "lightly" veg feed them thru folair spraying at nite just after lights off.try that for a week then if the plant responds i would go back to how u had it.but without overdosing them.your better off having less then more.


Well-Known Member
they are getting 800 ppm straight out of the cloner, which is running anywhere from 250-300 (that's mainly the Clonex and the CleaRez doing that). I have been trying to recall when they turn yellow, and i want to say it is when i am flushing for 2 days.

the roots are hanging at least 5-6 inches down from the base of the net pot in the cloner when i take them out. i think my clones may be too small from the start though, and may want to take bigger ones.

the tubes that these plants are in is on 24 hours a day with 2-400w Metal Halides over it, and I wont have a chance to spray with the lights off. I can however spray when i turn the other lights off in the room and pull the curtains, at least it's "night" for them then.

thanks for all the input guys, i am going to cut back to 400ish on the nutes and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
no real change since this morning, although i guess that is almost a good thing. the reservoir is now at 400ppm and 6.1 pH. i sprayed a bit of MagiCal in some foliar (very diluted) right before the girls went to sleep. hope tomorrow brings a change for the better.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
you are in aroe 800 ppm of nutes is hi i also am areo look start of at 400 ppm also make shure it is R O water tap will do that r ur roots white or brown? root rot has a way of coming off like that also ph what is it keep it 5.8 stopp if u spray them spray dutch master vege n saturator look for root excelerator one drop n 60 ml of the each in one litter of r o water bottlei been their i have lost lots try it n c if it works also low low right of the bat look at your res temp make shure its cold not first day slowly give it coldness how far r the lights whats the light on it whats the distance depending on how far the light is it can also cause yellowing. n what the watts on it? good luck i love the aroe i LOVE THE AROE isnt it great. also can spray magic green by house n garden but first try dutch because they r babies

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i think u might of burned them at 800 ppms but check all the rest they will come back just spray n slowly bring them back its critical at this stage. also those aroes gota be fucken clean as a vergin u have to keep them clean also clean the fuck out of ur chiller the water tem is fucken cold that u have i keep mine at 63. also if willted spray r o water they will come up they r thirsty r o water will bring the wilted back yes in the light just a mist


Well-Known Member
so i 'nuted the girls back up to almost 1000, and things actually seem to look better all around. go figure.


Well-Known Member
that's what i'm thinking now. i can't believe i didn't see it at first. just trying too many things all at once i guess.