ALL fan leaves keep dying, please help!


Well-Known Member
These girls have been through a lot. They started out stunted because of heat stress then they were going pretty good till I started over feeding them.. either that or the MG organic soil just really messed them up. The only thing I can think of is it still has a bad Nitrogen burn and it still hasn't gone away, even after I flushed them. They are Dutch Passion White Widow and are 2 weeks into flower and i'm planning on transplanting them tommorrow into there final homes.

I took pictures of 2 of them because basically I have 1 good looking one and 2 that look almost identically shitty. The first one is looking and smelling good, but it has also and still suffers from a bit of the same problem. All the large leaves keep dying still, even some of the bottom ones. And as for the 2nd one well you can see the curling and dying of the leaves working there way up to the top of the plant, even killing new growth on the bottom. So is it possible it's lacking N. or would that just be completly crazy?

Thanks for any help guys.



Well-Known Member
that looks like a deficiency or PH problem, nute burn starts in spots, its not uniform like that.


Well-Known Member
hey cuz it looks like u need to add some cal/mag and yesterday the sooner the better
ppm the water at around 600 with grow nutes and cal/mag it will turn ariund i had the same problem


Active Member
I would say 1. Stay away from anything "Miracle Grow" has to offer, get nutes specifically designed for the green erb 2. That means transplanting into better soil 3. When the botton fan leaves die off, sometimes its a natural process, say if you've been vegging for 4 weeks your gonna have some dead leaves at the bottom. 4. If its happening to quickly, as the erb plant concetrates its growth to all the extremities and the top especially, if your girl isn't getting the desired nutes from your soil or nute program it will start feeding on itself ie taking any goodness it can from the lower leaves.

MG deficiency could be ruled out with good nutes and soil, I would say its a mutlitude of deficiencies.

What lights are you using and on what cycle? You should try 6500K fluros for now as they're cheap as chips and maybe a 16/8 schedule for minimal stress. (don't flower them until they're healthy)


Well-Known Member
Well i'm using a 250w HPS and i'm already into flower, they weren't lookin that bad 2 weeks ago.. they just keep getting worse. I think when I transplant i'll try giving them a dose of fertz with some MG fertz a buddy gave to me a while ago. I do remember him saying they liked it, I gave him 3 of my WW seeds so he should know.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
My friend, not to be an asshole, but those have to be some of the saddest looking plants i've ever seen. what a waste of a widow's potential


Well-Known Member
How are you checking soil content & ph,please dont say you have one of those lousy ass meters you just poke in the soil & watch the needle move,if so throw that thing on the floor,then stomp it with an iron boot.

Go to an ace hardware or home depot & buy a combination ph soil content test kit,they are pretty cheap & pretty accurate also,not as accurate as a real good meter but wtf,for a $5 spot they do work well.

I'd guess you have a combination of problems,all stemming from ph problems in the soil,your problems look like they stem from high alkaline to me,get the ph/soil content tested & report back,till then it's just guess work & you'll never correct the problems.


Active Member
How are you checking soil content & ph,please dont say you have one of those lousy ass meters you just poke in the soil & watch the needle move,if so throw that thing on the floor,then stomp it with an iron boot.
well..I guess I'm gonna need some other means of testing my pH..I thought that thing was really wonder it always read the same...piece of shit. I've probably got a pH problem right now and that meter was making me think that was ruled out because the meter read 6.8 (like always)


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah,if you've been using that meter as you say you surely have a ph issue,them things are wrong 100% of the time.


Well-Known Member
what's the root system like?

by the pictures, description and discolouration at base off stem it might well be - intrigued to know.


Well-Known Member
My friend, not to be an asshole, but those have to be some of the saddest looking plants i've ever seen. what a waste of a widow's potential
Trust me, I know.. glad i'm making seeds to try again. I've been growing weed ever since I was 15 (21 now), yes from the permission from my parents.. in fact my dad bought me a grow cabinet for my 16th birthday. But anyways, i've never seen plants this bad.. it really is quite confusing to me. I've NEVER had a problem even relevant to this before so i'm just lost.

I'm feeding with purified water so I kinda thought the pH wouldn't be a problem anymore, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to test it. I've noticed the spotting on the leaves has stopped since i've flushed so maybe it does need nutes. I guess in about 7 weeks I can start over but damn this is one shabby grow. :roll: