All Members Opinons Wanted


Well-Known Member
u kno what i didnt kno my ass from a plant a year ago and now... solely because of this site id consider myself an experienced grower... i ask alotta questions huh?


Well-Known Member
This site IS mostly newbies, are you going to throw them out too, if there already here? There would be like 5 or 6 people left here.


Well-Known Member
I have been growing for over 10 years.
But I am a Newbie with hydro. With out the V-MAN I would still be growing all my bud in soil.
Anyone who wants to learn should be able to join..

P.S. Thanks V-MAN next month when I move I will be setting up a hole new room with all ideas I read in your threads.. YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!!


i had no idea what i was doing earlier this year when i started...

now i'm curing my first harvest

and finding i can actually give advice to others who are going through what i did...

everybodies gotta start at somepoint right?


Well-Known Member
Everone at one time has to start somewhere, and everyone here has not always been the GROW GODS that some are.


Well-Known Member
we should always welcome new growers, i myself am new to it all and i have found this site to be very useful, for both information and feedback from more advanced growers.


Well-Known Member
theres absolutely, and idc who the fuck you are, theres absolutely nothing better than askin someone where its legal, to grow pot... anything you need to kno and these guys will help ya... they dont even kno if your a cop, and theyll still give ya the best advice they can... thank you and all your appreciated members


Well-Known Member
Wow, Vman does hydro now?! I should probable check it out, whant to get wet in the worst way and no clues...


Well-Known Member
why would you not want to let people that dont know how to grow into this site? thats one of the finer points of this site, that you can go online and research how to grow marijuana. i mean how are you supposed to learn in the first place if you dont have a guiding hand to lead the way. if anything we should be inviting more people to this site, the more people grow the more the government is going to realize that this isnt some fad thats going to burn its self out. overgrow the government and leagalize :)