All organic tea users look!


Active Member
ok I am starting some new seeds and I am going to use a diy DWC setup with 400 watt mh/hps.

I am wanting to do the grow using all organic homemade teas. I have made them with my first grow( that ended early) and they worked great but I was using hempy bucket's.

so any suggestions for me before I start this endeavor? I have the stuff to make the tea and understand how that works but I haven't seen anyone do this with a DWC system. any help would be great. thank you.


Well-Known Member
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I have the stuff to make the tea and understand how that works but I haven't seen anyone do this with a DWC system. any help would be great. thank you.
That's probably because using "Teas" is more of a soil growing thing! I could be wrong (Lord knows), I don't really have that much experience with growing Hydro. Perhaps someone else would care to chime-in.

EDIT: It occures to me that we may just be dealing with semantics! I consider teas to be "An extra dose of something that is added, periodically, by way of the watering process".
Are you talking about using Homemade Nutes (used on a full-time basis) that are made in the fashion of brewing up a tea? Yeah, that should work. Just be sure to include all the essential nutrients!
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Active Member
Yeah I been seriously thinking about using guano or casting teas in a DIY DWC or Areoponic setup. I'd like to know how this turns out.