Allylescaline trip report..


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking smaller wouldn't get you too far out.
Just trust me with the light thing. You'll want to trip in darkness from then on. Its basically that you see a completely different visual with no lights and those visuals are where its at. You just can't see them in a brighter light
I think I might go for a nature walk.. I cant really turn off lights in my basement. And those damn leg tremors finally starting to go away


Well-Known Member
Lol whats your deal with turning the lights off?
This is motel6 in dis bitch..

Smaller? I thought redosing had to be same or bigger?

I dunno my brain feels a little fry..

Fuck it I'm taking 30mgs more..

*edit* yep just took 30 mg more for science of course


Well-Known Member
For a completely different flavor, try a shot of spiced rum- The Kraken, Captain Moron, Sailor Jerry- in a glass with ice, stir, then fill with chocolate milk. Garnish with nutmeg, if desired.