Almost to my first grow, got a few ?'s


Active Member
Hey all,
I have done my research on this site and have my stealth box ready to go...well almost. I'm only growing one plant, as this is personal use, not looking to sell. My box is not big at all.

First off, is there a way to stunt the plants growth, like cut the cycles so the plant doesnt get that tall. Or is there a strand that stays relatively short?

Also, I would like a recommendation for the lighting for each cycle. Keep in mind i will have only one plant that will be producing bud. I am going to plant around 5 and take only the females.

Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Well I am on my first grow and I would probably recommend that you read the FAQ on topping...I think it topping, there is something in the dang FAQ that informs you on how to keep your plants smaller.


Active Member
Well, i searched a bit, but theres not a whole lot of info on it, at least that i can see. Any help is appreciated. I just want to keep the plant at around a foot and a half, if possible. If not its back to the drawing board.

Also, from an expert, what do you recommend for the first cycle, lighting and nutrient wise. Sorry for the noobness if it irritates anyone.


Active Member
Tganks for the help fella's. I think i am going to just go with the lowryder tho. Although that LST is genius. Anyone have any tips for the lowryder.