Alone or With Other People?


Well-Known Member
Hey my favorite people, I was just curious, do you like to spend your time with other people or by yourself? And why? :)


Well, It depends.

I like to smoke alone because it is so much simplier and my friends aint that heavy smokers as i am.
I cant stand guys who come to visit me and we some some and then they got munchies.

overally i like to spend my time on my own.


Active Member
I like to hang out with a good friend once or twice a week but I really enjoy being home with my family!!!


Well-Known Member
depends alot on who they are :) (how they are..)

alone has alot of benefits :)

but so does company.


Well-Known Member
Used to spend %90 of my free time with my brother up until the age of 20. Parted ways changed countries. Started turning more and more into a loner...

I quite like being alone, nobodys bullshit but my own haha


Well-Known Member
yea typicaly like being alone,i like the quiet,but if im not spending time alone then its a tenuous presence of family and some friends dont like hangin with many people unless invited to a party thats where i like socializing with alot more people.


Well-Known Member
Hey my favorite people, I was just curious, do you like to spend your time with other people or by yourself? And why? :)
by myself, people bring to much of their personal lives with them, its always everyone is a lazy dipshit and sits on my couch and they do nothing, fuck people take over my computer or radio or make a suggestion to have us get into something, nope if you aint got cash no body can make up ideas how the fuck does that make sense, we have a whole world to explore

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i spend about 90% of my time alone. apparently i'm a little strange and if people don't like me within 5 minutes they don't usually spend much more time trying to know me. socialization is a chore for me. every job i've had since the age of 18 was in a call center or machine shop. i can socialize fine on the phone and through written correspondence, just not face to face. i have a problem with eye contact and social cues and i say inappropriate things, but i don't realize they are inappropriate until i see jaws on the floor...

that's why i like forums like this. i can contribute as i please and i don't have to give a shit what people think of me. you guys can't see me tic, you can't misinterpret my lack of eye contact, you can't see me roll my eyes, you can't hear my voice inflection, and you can't effect me very much. you only see what i decide you see, and i can edit it at will. that works for me.


Well-Known Member
I work alone, although my job is customer service so I do talk to folks constantly. I don't socialize as much as I used to aside from the family. And when I get off work everyone at home is in bed. I've always enjoyed my own company, I was an only child so I'm used to it. Nothing like having the living room to myself, copping a buzz and just watch TV, read or play a viddeogame (Skyrim a lot lately)