Alright to clip off Nutrient Leafs?


I currently have a grow journal going on but i have a question about whether or not to clip of some of my nutrient leafs. Im growing in an aeroflo 36 and one strain has more indica so its growing bushier. Is it alright to cut off some of the upper nutrient leafs to supply more light to the lower parts of the plants?IMG_1347.jpg


Well-Known Member
If you want to supply light, you could do some pruning to thin out the canopy, or you could just add some side lighting, or you could tie a few branches down to let more light shine through using the LST method...I usually only take off leaves that are nearly dead....because it is the leaves that store the nutrients for the plant, so when you take the leaves off you are starving the plant a little.


That's for the response. I needed to get an understanding as to whether or not it would work. Being that their in an aeroflo there isn't much space for them to branch out some of the leafs on the vanilla kush are bigger then my hands.