Alright, who else hears different buzz sounds.....


Well-Known Member
From street lamps and transformers.

This freaking thing in front of my house seems to go Stanley Kubrick on me when I smoke!!!
electricity is crazy man, I hooked up a broken mh/hps a few weeks ago it probably woulda killed me if I touched it. It definitely made a loud sound .
Tinnitus. It came from spending too long trying to work out your user name! :)


Oh yeah and I can hear silent alarms, sucks bad.

My tinnitus is only when I'm chugging Pepto Bismol from a hangover. So I'm in the commissary this full bird (colonel) comes in and grabs like 6 huge bottles of the shit and in my ER voice I say, "Can you hear anything over that ringing in your ears?" He didn't even turn, see, diagnostic (poor hub was so embarrassed).