Alternatives for De-humidifiers?


Active Member
Hey guys I just had a question, are there any relativley cheap/easy ways or tricks to get the humidity to go down besides buying a dehumidifer?

I have plenty of ventilation for the veg phase, but I really want the humidity to be low when it comes time to flower as to produce more resin, any help would be greatly appreciated.:-P


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem last grow, it came to harvest at the beginning of summer. Sorry but to my knowledge there is no cheap alternative. I tried them all. From kitty liter to that bucket stuff of rid-x. I am going back to growing in the winter. You can find dehumifiers on craigs list and e-bay. The one thing I have not checked out was the small dehumidifiers on e-bay around 30 bucks. I personally didn't have the time on my last grow to wait for the small dehumidifier to be shipped. Good luck!