Am I a candidate for Medical Marijuana in Arizona? (Incl. my story)


Active Member

Hey guys, I've pretty much diagnosed myself with Insomnia and depression (No im not an emo kid who cuts himself for attention)

It used to be pretty bad, I used to be VERY reclusive and didn't go outside for periods of time (sometimes days) I used to entertain the thoughts of suicide seriously at least every week. But in the end though I couldnt drive my car into a wall because I knew how upset most people would be, I wasnt that kind of self-pitying person who wanted to die because there was nothing in this world for them - I just wanted to die because it was just never worth it in my mind, and nothing made me happy theres really no way to describe it other than severe depression, sadness with no reason, always sad

I think this results from when I was a kid (7-9 or so) I was on so many medications I didn't even know what they were for, and neither did my parents really... Well, that pretty much fucked me up for life - multiple prescriptions and anti-depressants not designed for kids doesnt work, and when you shoove that many pills down somebodys throat your bound to get side effects like: Heart Murmors, random chest pains, permanent fat on my belly (thanks rhisperdol!)

So essentally I was living a solitary life filled with just plain old sadness... But... Then, I found it. Bud.

I started smoking just wanting to see what it was like, and then bought 4 grams of mersh (schwag) and that lasted about a month and a half to two months (lol an eighth of Hindu Kush lasted me about 15 hours yesterday) but anyway I subconsciously began smoking more, and more often... Now if I'm not extremely busy I smoke every day or every other day and really, i mean REALLY i've never been happier. I never think about suicide or any sad thoughts if I know I can just escape anything by toking up some buds. And I know that bud as an escape hasnt brought me happiness because I dont crave it - I want to toke it because it just makes everything in my life better. Since I started blazing I've been very careless and things just dont bother me anymore

Bud has also gotten me straightened out - I used to keep a close group of friends, usually one or two, but now I have 5 CLOSE friends who i'd stay with till the end and many more friends I hang out with at least once a week

I also had really bad insomnia, I would stay up until 4am and then wake up at 7am pretty much every day and I would wake up more tired than I was when I layed down

And last night me and my buddy blazed like hell and I passed out on his floor, no pillow, no blankets, just THC and I woke up feeling like I just got out of a coma at 9am

There have been times when I thought, "Better not blaze, I have an important exam tomorrow and I need a lot of sleep" I then finally give up 3 hours and figure, "Might as well smoke..." then I'm out in 20 minutes.

To sum it up: Marijuana has turned me from a sleepless, depressed, possibly psychopatic person into a happy, content with his life, normal* person

I do live in the state of Arizona and havent really read/heard much about anything on legality here, I'm pretty sure there are despensaries out here but I'm still clueless really

Do you think the above (Depression & Insomnia, which is legitamite) is enough for a Medical Marijuana Card or Doctors reccomendation?

Also - I am under 18 but by only a few months... is there an age limit for medical use?

Also, whats the deal with the decriminalization thing? If you have a doctor behind you can you be busted for possesion?

Lastly, is depression (if insomnia cant be prooven) reason enough for medical bud?

Personally, I believe that I am a perfect candidate because I have had a HORRIBLE experience with pills that probably gave me some issues (and didnt help the pre-existing shit either)

In all seriousness, in the end I believe that I would end up killing myself before I ever went through the whole route of psychotherapy (pills & sessions)

sorry for the long read, thanks for whoever does read it for actually taking the time to hear a strangers story


stays relevant.
I would also ask your doctor about whether or not you are a good candidate for MMJ, or whether you should just take some paxil and go outside once in a while.