Am I doing this right?

Hey all, total newbie here....looking for confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. I have a purple Urkel that is about 6 ft tall growing outdoors in a 25 gal bucket. The plant is pretty healthy, aside from the whitish mold that grows on the leaves that I am constantly battling. Its been flowering for about 6 weeks and im getting some great looking buds Pretty much all I am doing is watering every 3 days, mixing flora nova (30ml per 5 gal of water) at every other watering. The plant looks great, but should I be doing anything else? Do I have the right amount of dosage of the flora nova? Should I be adding anything else or should I just let it keep going as is?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
For mold mix water and baking soda and spray on mold, but where do you live where a plant flowers outside in June? Is it being covered every 12/
Thanks. I've been mixing milk and water to combat the mold and it worked pretty well for about 3 weeks, but then the mold just recently came back. I live in nor cal and I put the plant outside in early may. She started flowering in late may, and now it's looking really good (in my opinion). Right now sunrise is at about 630 and sunset is at 830-9? Is that not enough darkness? Thanks for your help, and Go Ducks!


Active Member
no he probably had it vegging inside under 24/0 or something, then put it outside and flowered cuz change in light schedule