Am I doing this right?


This is the first time I have tried training my babies. I'm letting them grow and spreading them around through the holes as the branches get long enough. When do I start to flower?image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
The picture is tiny so it's hard to judge how tall they are. If your doing a Sog I'd switch now and raise your trellis a bit. If you want the full on Scrog I'd say raise it quite a bit (they look small from the pics) and do some more training.


Well-Known Member
It looks like your in a tent, me too.

Disclaimer = I've never used a net

but my understanding of the idea is to train under the net, and then cull anything that won't see light.

So..... Depending on how much light you have, you should adjust accordingly.

I still say cut the lower growth or rebend what you have poking through now.


Well-Known Member
Fire it up and after a week or two adjust it accordingly.

I would still cut some lower growth out, then give it a week to recoup before the switch. A lot of that undergrowth will never see light.