Am i drying right?


Active Member
Nice attitude there bud I'm sure people will be running to help you out LOL. If you were so knowledgeable you would not be posting swag shit like that and picking way too early so either take the advice or keep it moving.


Active Member
Too answer your question though just wait until the outsides get nice and crispy but not the entire thing! Then you transfer to a jar and burp until they are at your preferred moisture and they will cure. IDK if that is more than what you are asking for but yea looks like they need to dry a bit longer. Good luck :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Nice attitude there bud I'm sure people will be running to help you out LOL. If you were so knowledgeable you would not be posting swag shit like that and picking way too early so either take the advice or keep it moving.
hahahaha fuck yeah rc!:finger:


Well-Known Member
Isn't this the dude that was asking what trichs were and where he could hide 40k? Hmm must be that dank your growing bro bringing in those hundo's.

OH and stop posting a million and one threads over the same dumb shit. Wait until you get some answers before you go posting a million times.

This is what I mean

"Cough, cough"

Oh and keep your buds in a dry cool place with about 45-55% RH and around 70-75. You don't want them drying to fast but you don't want them to take so long and create mold is your conditions aren't ideal. Don't let light get on them as light degrades thc.

Best of luck to ya :D

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
They were right. You are a dick! You should quit smoking and learn to take advice. I mentioned bathroom because most of us realize that there is more moisture in your bathroom than any other room in your house. Just go smoke your dirt and buy your bags from someone that knows their shit from now on.


New Member
I can garantee that half of you might know what you're doing but you're lifeless little fags so tl;dr if u aint gunna put something usefull g away, joe your father molested you.


Well-Known Member
... at least he included pics. but from now on a book and or google. RIU is a shark tank and posts like this one will get you eaten alive. gotsta buy a book man.


Active Member
I can garantee that half of you might know what you're doing but you're lifeless little fags so tl;dr if u aint gunna put something usefull g away, joe your father molested you.
Being aggressive with helpful members will get you nowhere but more irritated because we will stand up for one another. Seems you have some learning to do both with growing and how to interact with other people. If you have any real questions about growing ask away but stop just talking shit to the members who actually do look out for people. None of us would have even clicked your link if we were not trying to lend a helping hand. You need to learn how to be humble man.