Am i Good ?!

Hi everybody i got 19 seeds germinated just put on cup yesterday night , no action in cups today ...Green House Sativa Mix and Indica Mix H , Pineapple Chunk ,Pineapple Express OG13 , Moby Dick, Auto Northern Light Blue and 4 bag seeds , i got them in double plastic cups in roots organic formula 707 soil , i don't know when and what nutes i should give to them when they are outside in this spot far away close to a river , what do u guys think ? i know that i have to get moth balls copper tape and no pest strip , what else should i get ? how about the nutes , i heard that heavy harvest is best but i'm broke and i don't know how many should i get cuz they have like summer winter and stuff and how much will the 19 plants need .


Well-Known Member
Wow. 19 plants for a first grow or is it? Think first. Do you have the time to deal with 19 plants? Can you put in the effort 19 plants will take? Can you afford to upkeep 19 plants? Any grower should know his or her limits. I been growing for 10 years now and I would really have to step back and think about doing 19 plants. I could. I could grow 100 if I had the time and means. You cant just pop 19 seeds in the ground get some nutes and think your gonna do well. There are many factors that can end your grow for you. Some can end your grow before it stars. I wish you luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
19 plants ain't shit...especially when half or more are going to be males...if you are on a tight budget..hit a lowes or walmart and get Alaskan Fish fertilizer..6$ for veg it is a 5-1-1-........and for flower ..the cactus liquid feed for 2 $..2-7-7-.that is enough to handle 10-12 plants start to finish no problem for under ten dollars...good luck
19 plants ain't shit...especially when half or more are going to be males...if you are on a tight budget..hit a lowes or walmart and get Alaskan Fish fertilizer..6$ for veg it is a 5-1-1-........and for flower ..the cactus liquid feed for 2 $..2-7-7-.that is enough to handle 10-12 plants start to finish no problem for under ten dollars...good luck
today had to take them on cups on my car and some got flipped ......4 cups i couldnt find sprouts in it :-( others were good but still i let others maybe they are somewhere inside ....I want to buy jack's classic grow and bloom .....what else should i get ? please help me out .