Am I ready for harvest?


Active Member
So I've been in flower for a while now - the flowers look nice but I really don't think they're ready for harvest. But I don't want to wait TOOOO long, so I was wondering if anybody has any ideas as to whether I'm like... very close, weeks away, matter of days, etc? This is my first grow so I definitely appreciate any suggestions or feedback!



Active Member
Thanks guys! Oh, as I prune the plant, is there something I can do with the dead leaves so as not to let them go to waste, or are they pretty much just gone? i.e. would I get anything out of collecting them and making butter, or should I just wait and use the leaves that are left when it's time to harvest? LOL - bit of a newbie here. Thanks!

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
So I've been in flower for a while now - the flowers look nice but I really don't think they're ready for harvest. But I don't want to wait TOOOO long, so I was wondering if anybody has any ideas as to whether I'm like... very close, weeks away, matter of days, etc? This is my first grow so I definitely appreciate any suggestions or feedback!
yea ill b more than happy to help you out. Iv'e got years and years of experience. what you gotta do that no one knows about is you gotta look at your buds with polarized lenses. If your bud hairs are blue then your all good son.


Well-Known Member
The easiest way to see when you are done (as long as the plant is norml) check the heads under a scope. A scope will only cost about $20 including tax. My polarized glasses were over $300.

yea ill b more than happy to help you out. Iv'e got years and years of experience. what you gotta do that no one knows about is you gotta look at your buds with polarized lenses. If your bud hairs are blue then your all good son.
And what does this show and how did you or the person that told you get this conclusion.

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! Oh, as I prune the plant, is there something I can do with the dead leaves so as not to let them go to waste, or are they pretty much just gone? i.e. would I get anything out of collecting them and making butter, or should I just wait and use the leaves that are left when it's time to harvest? LOL - bit of a newbie here. Thanks!
No you can turn your leaves into clones!!! even if the leaf is almost dead. trust me it may take a little longer than the original way... but its worth it! first soak the leaves in hydro chlorophyl (just use maple syrup) then put them in the cloning material. let me know how it turns out! just ask if you have any questions, ill be more than happy to thow some advice your way!!

latter alligator.


New Member
Totally. Probably the best possible way to take clones IMO. I only use dead yellow leaves though, and I dunk them in a piss/bleach solution before sticking them under a red plastic bowl.

No you can turn your leaves into clones!!! even if the leaf is almost dead. trust me it may take a little longer than the original way... but its worth it! first soak the leaves in hydro chlorophyl (just use maple syrup) then put them in the cloning material. let me know how it turns out! just ask if you have any questions, ill be more than happy to thow some advice your way!!

latter alligator.


Well-Known Member
Alright that baby is not going to bed ready in two weeks. sorry if this dashes your hopes your looking at at least 3 1/2 to 4 weeks. from what i see those hairs are all white and the buds look like they can fatten up quite a bit. different strains do different things though you really need to check the trichs though thats your best bet. go to radio shack by the scope they have there its $12.09, 60-100x works well. oh and the dead leaves toss um. you would need a lot more then that plant is capable of to make them of any use. there is very little to no thc in those leaves anyway. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way how long is "A while" any better estimate of flowering time? remember just because lights are switched to 12/12 does not mean they are flowering it can take a few weeks, once again depending on strain, to actually be "flowering". same concept for seedling to veg. Good Luck Man.


Well-Known Member
if you started 12/12 in early october then she wasnt really flowering till mid to late october so i would say truly you have only been flowering about 5-6 weeks tops which puts you to my originally estimate you got at least 3-4 more weeks i started flowering mine 11 weeks ago and im still not done maybe another 2 weeks for me. But my tallest lady is 7 feet!!! Hence the long flowering time. You can start checking the trichs but its going to be a while bro.


Well-Known Member
go on to and search handheld microscope. I got a quality 30x magnifier for 11 bucks that arrived in 3 days after ordering. Totally worth the investment