Am I ready to grow?

too plain of dirt can house many harmful micro can wait till 12/12 flower and see what their sex is and put 1 back in veg for mother or simply take some clone cuttings from the lower shoot sites around the bottom of your plants since their last to show pre flowers but will cause some down time to recuperate unless you pick one mother say give em another week then 12/12. also before going 12/12 cut lights out for 36 hrs then cur them on to 12/12 this helps them reboot and kick straight into flower instead of just going 12/12 on your timer and also cut lights out 36 hrs before you harvest this makes them think there done and winter is approaching and they spend up the rest of their reserves to make more potent buds and promote thc production in their final hrs! also i have had good luck when harvesting by leaving the main stem rooted and some green on them as they have some smaller shoots around mid to bottom usually on all plants and i put them back into veg and then when those little shoots get big enough i cut clones off the old harvested stalk then get rid of them. just throwing that out there. lol.


Active Member
It would be much easier to start with 6 seedlings 24/0 and flower them after 2 weeks. Ditch 3 of them, carefully transplant your females, and continue flowering. Better yet, put one female back in veg to clone for your next grow. When it comes to bagseed, always germ 2-3x what you expect to flower. I've had great results with this method.

Transplanting during flower can stress your plants, but if you're careful they'll be fine. Mine bounce back in 2-3 days.

Do you plan on upgrading your setup as you go? I use 400w of cfl from the top only, and anything taller than 12" starts to lose bottom leaves from lack of light. I think scrog setups are the most efficient use of light, too labor-intensive for me though :)


Well-Known Member
still. i would use more cfls. especially since youre planning on vegging a month. cfls have limited penetration.


Active Member
As of right now living with parent's that don't even know I grow I'm doing great heh, 4 65W lights, a tiny air conditioner, home made carbon filter and co2..really enjoying this!! but waiting 60 days for a smoke is hell XD
So, you're growing in your parent's house without their permission or knowledge, and telling everybody about it. Good luck dude!@!!~!


Active Member
Reason being? I'm a minor with no record. OMG busted for my 2 plants I'll get probation at the maximum.
Nothing to do with nothing. I own my grow, all consequences are mine and mine alone. You're growing pot on somebody else's property without their knowledge, good luck kid.