Am I ready to harvest? First grow...


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused by all the info on the correct time to harvest. Here are a few pics of what my plant looks like now.

I have a 60x scope and the trich. look about 3/4 cloudy white. The pistols are starting to turn brown but still have some white towards the bottom. I've never done this before so I want to make sure I don't do anything premature.

There also seems to be a million opinions on how to dry/cure... confusing. All I know is that it smells fruity right now and I don't want an end result that smells like hay!


Well-Known Member
Looking good... The tops are starting to ripen I would give them a few more days and check the trichs again. You want to chop at about 50% cloudy and 50% amber trichomes.


Well-Known Member
Drying and curing takes lots of practice, just trim the leaves while the plant is still moist then dry in a cool dark area for 4-5 days. As soon as the stems snap they can go into mason jars.


Well-Known Member
Looking good... The tops are starting to ripen I would give them a few more days and check the trichs again. You want to chop at about 50% cloudy and 50% amber trichomes.
wrong chop at first sign of amber for peak ripeness


Well-Known Member
Looking good... The tops are starting to ripen I would give them a few more days and check the trichs again. You want to chop at about 50% cloudy and 50% amber trichomes.
Wrong. Good lord. Amber trichomes represent a 90% loss in potency. It's mostly CBN, which does NOT produce a high.

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
The more cloudy trichromes there are the more thc there is. Also the stem must bend and not snap before it goes into mason jar. By the time it snaps completley you pretty much dried too fast already. Should be around 2-3 days


New Member
lets see a good focused close up photo of a cola. harvest when trichs are 10% amber, anymore is over ripening and degrading product.

if conditions were good to great throughout the plants life, youll be able to harvest close to the earliest suggested time.

i see some nute burn on the leaves, but thats about it. how deep into flower are you? looks like an indica dominant with some sativa, so youre looking at a total of 8-9 weeks probably


Well-Known Member

These are about as close as my camera will get...I held my cam up to the 60x scope and you can see that there are a few amber trichs popping. It's a strain by Royal Queen called "fruit spirit". Supposed to be indica dominant but didn't mention sativa. It's about 8 weeks into flower. I changed the res. last night (dwc) and added Final Phase by Advanced Nutrients. I don't know if that stuff works but I have been very anal with this grow so I figured it couldn't hurt. I've kept a grow log everyday and have never had my PPM over 800 with an average around 600. Wonder why I got nute burn this late in the game?

what should the moisture content be (using a hygrometer) before I transfer to mason jars for curing?


New Member
what a pretty girl. i would give it one more week. i dont like too many amber trichs, so i would pull at 10%

i might pull mine right when it starts to show me amber. i have yet to decide.

how many weeks into flower already? 7-8? im suprised to see its a mostly sativa. i would have guessed mostly indica.


Well-Known Member
what a pretty girl. i would give it one more week. i dont like too many amber trichs, so i would pull at 10%

i might pull mine right when it starts to show me amber. i have yet to decide.
You have never harvested anything a day in your life.


Well-Known Member
what a pretty girl. i would give it one more week. i dont like too many amber trichs, so i would pull at 10%

i might pull mine right when it starts to show me amber. i have yet to decide.

how many weeks into flower already? 7-8? im suprised to see its a mostly sativa. i would have guessed mostly indica.
I'm sure you will let us know how your FIRST plant turns out.


Well-Known Member
Ah... interesting. mostly sativa afterall. looks very similar to the pics. Mine aren't quite as perfect but hey... first time


Well-Known Member
it says on the royal queen site that this strain should be dried for 7 days prior to trimming to maintain the sweet taste...wonder if I should trim before cure?


harvesting when most trichomes cloudy or milky will give you a up heady energetic rushy high.
harvesting when most trichomes are amber/orange will give narcotic couchlock high.
harvesting at 50/50 cloudy and amber gives mix of both.


Well-Known Member
harvesting when most trichomes cloudy or milky will give you a up heady energetic rushy high.
harvesting when most trichomes are amber/orange will give narcotic couchlock high.
harvesting at 50/50 cloudy and amber gives mix of both.
Please stop spreading those misinformed lies.