Am I storing my bubble hash poorly?

I made bubble hash for the 1st time about 2 months ago. I've been keeping it in a glass kerr jar, the jar inside a paper bag & i've been keeping it in a drawer. At first, it was somewhat mushy (very scientific), reminded me of playdoh, pulled apart very easy & was dark but had hints of amber. Now its more like taffy & its darker. Still fairly pliable & its smoking great, its just not the same consistency as it was. I know some of the changes come from handling it, but I try to just cut off a chunk and not touch the main piece so much.


Well-Known Member
Mine always ends up being a powder...I just keep it in a little tub thing thing with a screw on lid.


Active Member
If it does not pop when you smoke it, and it is not mouldy, then it is dry. If you leave the jar open and in lower humidity, it will dry more, and crumble. I like mine to crumble.
Its like its not dry anymore, it used to look more porous, now its very smooth. I am posting via my iphone and I'm not seeing a way to u/l pics, I'd like to show before & after pics. I started out with almost a half oz chunk, & still have 8.3g. I live right in the middle of the US, so its hot & dry here, but its kept inside around room temp.