Am now drunk...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
And I may get a phone call in a couple of hours to go to work... Am not sure if I will be sober enough... I love my cureent job... but casual work a couple or few or no days a week when you can get a call at any time to go and use industrial machinery sucks...

You can not time your drinking binges properly...

I was told I might get a phone call this morning, maybe... and I have drunk too much getting over watching bisping beating mayhem... I hope if I get a call it doesn't come until lunch time... I should be sober enough to not lose any bits of myself by lunch time...


Well-Known Member
That's when you call in and are like "hey I want to get drunk as shit...any chance I'll have to come in?"


New Member
hahahaha... makes ya wonder why we all aint getting paid for it... we all like to watch other people do it, and we all do it...we should figure this out better...


Ursus marijanus
If you do go in, drive very extra fast so there's less time in which to have an accident. It's science!! cn

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Just say you have diarrhea and say how it burns and is all liquid. No one can work with it, and your boss isn't going to want to hear about it.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Fuck that... I need the money... I just orderd a fuck ton more beans than I can handle anytime soon. got a 4mx5m room to fit out all proper... gonna have a little room for the mums and everything... that aint just gonna happen by chance...

Fuck Michael Bisping... Fucking Cunt...!

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
as in porno? :lol:
I want to direct porno... I reckon I could do an okay job at it...

It's my second favoutire hobby... I love pornos...

Probably the reason that I need reading glasses tho... but fuck it... It's awesome seeing what women will do for money...

Was watching one the other day and it was fucking insane what this one woman was putting in the wrong hole... even squeezed in one of those dog chew toy soccer balls that squeek lo...l

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
If you havent seen it you must look for the snorkling video... I was like What..? No..? For reall..? He's Not..? OMG He is..? That's horrible... Why can't I look away..? Why am I hitting play again..? OMG... Why can't I stop hitting play..?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I'm down to my last drink and it's only 1/4 alcohol... Bottle shop was closed early yesterday... :( or else I'd still be going strong...

And I'll be extra careful for you Kuroi... Cause I likes you... But don't tell anybody... I don't want the other guys on here getting jealous of you cause you're getting all of my attention...