Amending last year's soil


Well-Known Member
I would like to amend last year's soil this year so I don't have to use chemical fertilizers and use only water and compost tea. I have formulated a list of ingredients that I believe has everything the plants need including.....Kelp meal,fish bone meal,alfalfa meal,crab meal,neem seed meal,granular humic acid,azomite, dolomite lime, ferrous sulfate heptahydrate "iron, sulfur",mycorhizea fungi, worm castings. Anyone see a problem with my formula? Am I missing anything?
I would like to amend last year's soil this year so I don't have to use chemical fertilizers and use only water and compost tea. I have formulated a list of ingredients that I believe has everything the plants need including.....Kelp meal,fish bone meal,alfalfa meal,crab meal,neem seed meal,granular humic acid,azomite, dolomite lime, ferrous sulfate heptahydrate "iron, sulfur",mycorhizea fungi, worm castings. Anyone see a problem with my formula? Am I missing anything?

I use nothing but Kelp, Crab, and Neem meal in my soil and get great results. I'd omit the fish and alfalfa meals entirely, but that's just me. Too much Phosphorus actually prevents certain microbes from colonizing your soil, that's why I stopped using the fish meal. Alfalfa Meal is good stuff but it can cause problems because of how quick it decomposes. Too much Alfalfa will burn your roots in a very short order.
I use nothing but Kelp, Crab, and Neem meal in my soil and get great results. I'd omit the fish and alfalfa meals entirely, but that's just me. Too much Phosphorus actually prevents certain microbes from colonizing your soil, that's why I stopped using the fish meal. Alfalfa Meal is good stuff but it can cause problems because of how quick it decomposes. Too much Alfalfa will burn your roots in a very short order.[/Q
Do you get enough micro nutrients with just those 3 amendments? What about humic acid and magnesium,iron?
Do you get enough micro nutrients with just those 3 amendments? What about humic acid and magnesium,iron?

Kelp Meal provides tons of micro nutrients, but I also supplement with a product called TM-7. Good stuff, gives you humic acid and various micro nutrients.

I water with epsom salts once a week for my sulfer and magnesium.
Kelp Meal provides tons of micro nutrients, but I also supplement with a product called TM-7. Good stuff, gives you humic acid and various micro nutrients.

I water with epsom salts once a week for my sulfer and magnesium.
Thx! You rock! Im cutting out the alfalfa,fish bone, azomite,lime, and the ferrous sulfate ,granular humic acid. Doubling up on the kelp,crab, and neem.I'll supplement with the Epsom and TM-7 or other micro nute.I don't think there is sulfur in Epsom is there?Oh magnesium sulfate... The sulfate must be sulfur. So now my recipe is kelp,crab meal,neem ,mycorhizea fungi and worm castings supplemented with TM7 and Epsom salt.I'll also use compost tea and molasses to feed microbes.
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