Amherstburg woman acquitted of drug charges


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A woman who lives on a rural property in Amherstburg where $2.1 million worth of marijuana was found has been acquitted of drug charges.

Tiffany Audra Natywary, 40, testified she had no idea there were buckets, bins and bags containing 212 kilos of marijuana in a barn on her property or that the drug may have been harvested from her backyard. Superior Court Justice Thomas Carey ruled Friday that he believed her.

On Nov. 14, 2012, police responded to a call for a car in a ditch at Natywary’s property at 8566 Concession Rd. 8. In the backseat of the BMW were bins containing 10 kg of pot.

Tire tracks led police to a barn on the 30-acre property where the larger stash of marijuana was found.

The driver of the BMW was Benjamin Herta, 28. Carey convicted Herta Friday of possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking for the pot in the back seat. His passenger, Edward Seery, 36, confessed the pot in the barn was his and was sentenced in 2013 to 3½ years in a federal penitentiary.

Police raided Herta’s home on Lincoln Road in Windsor. There they found 1.5 kg of pot hidden above a ceiling tile, a digital scale, a debt list in his bedroom drawer and $2,800 under his mattress.


Bags of marijuana are seen in an evidence locker at the Windsor police headquarters on Nov. 21, 2012. Tyler Brownbridge / Windsor Star

On Friday, Carey also convicted Herta of possession for the purpose of trafficking for the drugs found in the Lincoln Road home.

Federal prosecutor Richard Pollock said the Crown is seeking forfeiture of the BMW, registered to Herta’s father Vasile, and Natywary’s Amherstburg property.

While Natywary is on title, she has no equity in the property. Court heard it was purchased for her by Donald Gauthier, her father’s friend. Natywary is a tenant of the property in a rent-to-own arrangement.

Gauthier testified he knew others were using the property and that he had collected $1,000 from a man he knew only as Joe for hunting permission. The money was to be given to Natywary’s father, Dale, he said.

Neither Gauthier nor Dale Natywary were charged in connection with the drugs found on the property.

Pollock hinted after court Friday that police may be pursuing further charges in the 2012 case.

Herta, who has a prior conviction for drug trafficking, was released on bail following his arrest. He is back in jail on new drug charges.