
i dont know if i m in the right room to do that question.but i need t know if it s safe to use AN products together wen i m growin on soil.for example' may use B-52 with sensi grow part1 and 2 together in the same galon of water on my weekly feeding.i m allready using them seperated i wonder if i can mix those.anyboy do this before?sorry for my english and tnh in advance.(newbi.first grow:shock:)


Well-Known Member
Yes its perfectly fine.. In later stages of flower I mix A & B, B-52 Big Bud, Nirvana, Sensizym & Overdrive. Its all made to work together (in the same mixture of water)


yes bangkok thank you good infos.
bigboy u use b-52 on later stage of flowering?it suppose for the first 2 weeks of flower.that why i chosea formula for flowering with
sensi bloom a and b (some1 told me as a tip to continue sensi grow for 1-2 weeks durring flowering tha i swich t sensi bloom.)
b-52 for the first week offlowering then swich sensi zym for rest of time
bigbud for 2-4wekk or budignitor i didnt decide yet
overdrive 2-4
and some rinhoskin i think
all those are expensive and the trueth is that i have many questions about.anyway i have to try its my first grow and i will do my owen live reserce.anyway if some1 have some tips about the way u using them feel free t share if u get a free sec.
u did help me already so.thank you.