And so it begins... again.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
[h=3]Pay attention Christians in France--you voted for this...[/h]

[h=1][/h] [h=1]And from the Great Spencer on May 27th....France: Muslims stone Christians in church during mass[/h]
No one will take much note of this. It is just one story among the thousands that together tell the tale of France's decline and Islamization. Eurabia Update: Here is my translation of "Carcassonne Des fidèles caillassés pendant la messe à Saint-Joseph," by Yannick Bonnefoy in Midi Libre, May 27 (thanks to David):
Carcassonne: The faithful stoned during Mass at St. Joseph
Yesterday at 6:20PM, as Fr. Roger Barthes began to celebrate mass, four youths, aged 14 to 18, broke into the Church of St. Joseph, before launching handfuls of pebbles at 150 faithful present at the service. Immediately, men began pursuing the young troublemakers, but in vain. They managed to vanish into thin air, heading towards the city La Conte.
Interrupted by regrettable unexpected event, Mass was finally able to proceed as planned. Although no one was injured and nothing was broken in the church, located along the Avenue Jean Moulin, the parishioners, many of whom are elderly, were greatly shocked by the disrespectful act of the youths of North African origin....
and from a comment on the website, "North African origin"—read, "Muslim".
Carcassonne has been under Muslim conquest before. In 725, the Wali Ambisa took the city following the Islamic conquest of the Visigoth kingdom of Spain. The city remained in the hands of Muslims until 752, when it was freed by the Franks led by Pippin the Short.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps someone should explain to these youths that they are all worshiping the exact same Abrahamic god, although it probably wouldn't make a difference. Just another example of the divisive nature of religious dogma...


Well-Known Member
Perhaps someone should explain to these youths that they are all worshiping the exact same Abrahamic god, although it probably wouldn't make a difference. Just another example of the divisive nature of religious dogma...
or just an example of mischievous kids.


Well-Known Member
or just an example of mischievous kids.
I hadn't even considered that, good point. It actually seems more like a prank or dare; they didn't report that the youths yelled anything religious, and they really weren't out to hurt anyone with pebbles. Unless they were retarded. It seems I leapt onto my atheist steed a bit early this time ;)

Seriously. That is not stoning. That is throwing pebbles. The implication of the headline is that the Christians were bludgeoned to death with big rocks in their own church. Hilariously misleading, overall.