animals and tripping


Well-Known Member
So since i have done acid a few times now, i have noticed and am convinced that animals know when your tripping. I have 2 dogs that are always so riled up and playing. But i was tripping pretty good, not as good as some of the stories on here but still, anyways i get home and me and my buddy just wanted to chiiiiiiillllll. And we walk in and the dogs looked at us and just chilled for the rest of the night. next day i woke up and they were riled up again like normal.

also i have a stray cat around my house that always comes up for pets, and i pet it when im not tripping but when i am tripping i dont want to cause the cat smells like feces. Anyways when were tripping the cat just chills about 20 feet away.

its weird and really cool.


Active Member
Yeah my dog does that too. Sometimes I don't like looking at my dog when tripping, it looks like I can see his heart beating from across the room, and its fast. Really fast. :shock:


Well-Known Member
i freaking love my dogs when im tripping, and not tripping. I have a pitbull/bulldog mix, and i somehow created him into a lap dog cuddle monster. And when im tripping i can sit in the same spot for hours hugging him and feeling his ears and fur.


Active Member
Yeah ive thought that, they probally do.. I mean its not gonna be unhard to tell haha even if you are an animal.

grow space

Well-Known Member
I havent seen my cat on acid or on shrooms, but every time i bake, i can feel that my cat is so understanding that i am freaking baked and is just so chill...:peace:

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
i've never tripped at home,still live wit my parents....but i've always thought my lizard would creep me out or scare me. ive got a 3ft long,kinda chubby argentine b/w tegu...i always think of the scene in fear and loathing when "hunter", is in the casino and everyone turns into a lizards, they're gambling,drinkin,having an orgy....i just dont need to see that, while out of my mind.


animals definitely can sense it, at least dogs.... the one we have now was a (seemingly) abused runaway that we took in, and she will completely disappear when the wife and I are tripping.


Well-Known Member
yeah I can relate my dog always just chills out and watches me, but maybe I dont pay as much attention to him when im not trippin.....?


Well-Known Member
Oh man, this is such a cool phenomenon. I don't have any dogs anymore, but when I did they sensed I was on another level, for sure. The way they seem to stare into your very soul can be unnerving at times. It's as if they realize your ego has dissolved and you're on the same level as them. I find we always reached a mutual understanding and grew to become closer emotionally. I love trippin with animals.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, this is such a cool phenomenon. I don't have any dogs anymore, but when I did they sensed I was on another level, for sure. The way they seem to stare into your very soul can be unnerving at times. It's as if they realize your ego has dissolved and you're on the same level as them. I find we always reached a mutual understanding and grew to become closer emotionally. I love trippin with animals.

thats pretty cool man


Active Member
My dog was going nuts for my san pedro tea[even tho i screwed it up]. He saw me taking shots constanly of the liquid in the bowl. he looked at my with anicipation and want. i put it on the floor and he immediately tries to drink it. I take it away before he drinks any tho. crazy bastard lol. Hes a mut, half pit and half everything else.


Active Member
i freaking love my dogs when im tripping, and not tripping. I have a pitbull/bulldog mix, and i somehow created him into a lap dog cuddle monster. And when im tripping i can sit in the same spot for hours hugging him and feeling his ears and fur.
ya i too have a pitbull/bulldog mix but shes more like a bulldog with facial structure.. anyway when i was trippin my face off 6 tabs deep into peak shes sitting next to me staring me in the face and out of nowhere she morphs into Bowser and runs away with my star... i know im rammbling on but just saying trippin with animals always ends up being weird.