Annual weed plant


Active Member
So I’m in a pickle last year I grew a plant outside in my garden Turned out to grow like 12 feet it was a wedding cake from i49 Canada. Well I didn’t get to harvest it due to... weed thieves. So after someone gave up On trying to get it they decided to break and take it was a bloodbath :(
So I cleaned up a lot of bud fell into the garden this plant prob had a good 2 or 3 pounds on her. Some Branches I was just pissed so It was starting to snow being just before Halloween here in Northern Ontario. So I just mixed it into the garden.
now back on topic
This year cleaned the garden up 4 days lasted after finally having bunch of rain I got 1 plant that has sprouted much like a seed was planted. But never did. It came up right on the edge of the garden wood. The plant that was there was feminized seeds it got hacked and ruined 1 week before I planned on harvesting. And the day before it happened there was no pollination. So I’m just wondering if the buds and branches and stuff that I did t get out and tilled in could they reproduce. ?

I moved it over into the middle a bit cause it was growing out from
The wood. A2D7764D-A995-4407-BC90-4568576DBF1B.jpeg

and this is a pic of the plant I lostlast Halloween. 5A2AE5B4-6F65-4676-B384-85D03CD2D5E8.jpegA2D7764D-A995-4407-BC90-4568576DBF1B.jpeg
It is entirely possible that there was a small pollination that happened on your plant. And in the rustling maybe it fell out.

Will you have security camera this time? Maybe a carry a whip and have a cage hanging high up so that the cage falls on the thieves and then you can whip them.
Oh yeah I know who it was, I served 164 days for handling it lol.
It was a family member by marriage Junky type. And his so called friends. It was a contained incident. The secret garden is the ones you can’t see. I just find it odd that 1 sprouted only one. And it deff looks like it came from a seed with a case and tap root it’s just long like 8!inch tap root