Another Glossary of Grow Terminology and Slang


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Acidity: Acidity is Indicated by a pH value Below 7.
Aerate: Loosening or puncturing the soil to increase water penetration.
Afghani: A short Indica land race strain from Afghanistan. Very
Air layering: A specialized method of cloning a plant which is
accomplished by growing new roots from a branch while the branch is
still connected to the parent plant.
Alkaline: Having a pH value of above 7.
Alternate host: One of two kinds of plants on which a parasitic fungus
must develop to complete its life cycle.
Alternate: To be "located directly across from", or it can apply to
stamens when between the petals.
Annual: Completing one life cycle.
Bactericide: A chemical compound that kills or inhibits bacteria.
Bale: Any package of marijuana weighing over 10 lbs.
Ballast: A transformer used mainly with HID lighting equipment.
Bhang: An Indian and Middle Eastern drink made from cannabis.
Biennial: Completing the life cycle in two growing seasons. Cannabis
is not biennial.
Biological Control: Total or partial destruction of pathogen
populations by other organisms.
Blight: Rapid death of a leaf.
Blotch: A disease characterized by large irregular spots on a leaf.
Blue light: Mercury based light or a Metal Halide light.
Blunt: A joint rolled in a tobacco-leaf wrapper.
Bong: A water-cooled pipe made from glass.
Bonsai: The art of growing carefully trained plants.
Bract: A small leaf or scale-like structure associated with and
subtending an inflorescence or cone.
Bud: Female flower.
Caespitose: Growing in tufts.
Calyx: Outer whorl of flowering parts; collective term for all the sepals
of a flower.
Cambium: The thin membrane located just beneath the bark of a plant.
Canker: A canker is a necrotic often sunken area on a stem, trunk, or
branch of a plant.
Cannabinoids: The psychoactive compound found in cannabis.
Chillum: A small fat pipe made of clay.
Chlorophyll: The green pigment in leaves. When present and healthy
usually dominates all other pigments. It is important in the conversion
of CO2 and H2O into glucose.
Chlorosis: Chlorosis is the yellowing of normally green tissues due to
the destruction of the chlorophyll or the partial failure of the
chlorophyll to develop.
Chronic: A strain of cannabis or a high-quality cannabis weed.
Clasping: Leaf partly or wholly surrounding the stem.
Clones: Rooted Cuttings. Normally considered female in the context
they are spoken about unless otherwise directed.
CO2: The chemical formula for carbon dioxide.
Cola: Refers to the main branch of cannabis flowers located at the top
of the stem.
Colombian: Common imported bud from Colombia. Also a strain.
Compost: An organic soil amendment resulting from the
decomposition of organic matter.
Corolla: Inner whorl of floral parts; collective name for petals.
Creeping: To creep along a structure usually using the structure for
Dieback: Dieback is the progressive death of branches or shoots
beginning at the tips and moving toward the main stem.
Dioecious: The male and female flowers are on different plants.
Disease: Any malfunctioning of host cells and tissues that results from
continuous irritation by a pathogenic agent or an environmental factor/
Dividing: The process of splitting up plants into separate groups.
Doobie: A common expression for hash or weed.
Dope: A slang term for cannabis. Sometimes it is a slang term used for
Double Digging: Preparing the soil by systematically digging an area
to the depth of two shovels.
Epidermis: The outer most layer of cells of the leaf and of young
stems and roots.
Evergreen: A plant that never loses all of its leaves at one time.
Fan Leaves: They are the largest leaves of the cannabis plant that
gather the most available light.
Fertilizer: A plant food, which when complete should contains all
three of the primary elements -N.P.K.
Floret: A Small flower.
Flower: Seed producing structure of a plant.
Foliar Feeding: Fertilizer applied in liquid form to the plant’s foliage
in a fine spray.
Four Twenty: (4:20), the time of day that is okay to start smoking.
Fungicide: A compound toxic to fungi.
Gall: Swelling of plant cells.
Ganja: Term for pot derived from India but associated also with pot
from Jamaica.
Genotype: The genetic constitution of an individual, esp. as
distinguished from the phenotype; the whole of the genes in an
individual or group.
Germinate: The process of the sprouting of a seed.
Glabrous: Smooth, no hairs present.
Glands: Refers to resin producing part of the cannabis plant.
Glandular: Bearing glands.
Grafting: The uniting of a short length of stem of one plant onto the
rootstock or stem of a different plant.
Grass: A very common term for cannabis.
Habitat: Natural setting where a plant grows. Usually refers to a
specific plant community.
Hash/Hashish: Compressed Cannabis Resin.
Hemp: This is the stalk and stems produced from the cannabis plant
that are used to make fabrics.
Herb: Another term used loosely to refer to cannabis.
Hermaphrodite: A trait of a plant where both the male and female
flowers are located on the same plant.
HID: High Intensity Discharge light system.
Hookah: A large water pipe from India.
Host: A plant that is invaded by a parasite and from which the
parasite obtains its nutrients.
HPS: A high Pressure Sodium Light.
Humus: The brown or black organic part of soil resulting from the
partial decay of leaves and other matter.
Hybrid: The offspring of two plants of different species or varieties of
those species.
Hydroponics: The science of growing plants in mineral solutions or
liquid, instead of in soil.
Indica: A species of cannabis plant.
Infection: The formation of a parasite within or on a host plant.
Infectious Disease: A disease that is caused by a pathogen which can
spread from a diseased to a healthy plant.
Inflorescence: The flower cluster of a plant.
Inoculum: The pathogen or its parts that can cause infection.
Internode : The distance between branches along the stem.
Joint: A cannabis cigarette.
Kief: A term from Morocco used to explain a fine grade of quality
Lateral: Referring to side(s) of the plant structure.
Leaching: The removal or loss of excess salts or nutrients from soil.
Leaflet: Segment of a compound leaf.
Leafy: Having numerous leaves.
Lesion: An area of diseased tissue, normally with a change in color.
Linear: Resembling a line; long and narrow and of uniform width.
Also refers to uniform growth.
Loam: A rich soil composed of clay, sand and organic matter.
Lobe: A major expansion or bulge-like shape, as at the margin of a leaf
or petal.
Lumen: A scientific measurement for luminosity from a light source.
Manure: Organic matter, usually the excrement of an animal such a
horse, which is used as a rich fertilizer.
Margin: The edge, generally of a leaf.
Marijuana: Another term for cannabis.
Mary Jane: A codeword for marijuana.
MH: Metal Halide light system.
Micronutrients: Mineral elements that are needed by some plants in
very small quantities.
Mildew: A powdery growth on the plant’s surface.
Mother: A selected mother plant kept for its vigor or likable
characteristics by the grower. It is used for cloning and breeding.
Mottle: Refers to irregular patterns on the leaf of light and dark areas
like blotches.
Mutation: A change in genetic material brought about by an abnormal
influence such as radiation.
Native: A plant that occurs and grows naturally in a specific region or
Necrosis: A necrosis is dead tissue on areas of the plant.
Nematicide: A chemical compound that kills nematodes.
Nematode: Microscopic, wormlike animals that live in water or soil,
or as parasites of plants and animals.
Node: Position on a stem from which one or more structures
(especially branches) arise.
NPK: Abbreviation for nitrogen (N), phosphate (P), and potassium
(K), the three primary nutrients for plants.
Oil: Refers to cannabis resin when it is not in a solid state.
Organic: This refers to a method of gardening utilizing only materials
derived from living things and not man made chemicals.
Osmosis: The process by which a solvent passes through a semi-
permeable membrane into a region of greater solute concentration, so
as to make the concentrations on the two sides more nearly equal.
Paraquat: A defoliant used to kill the cannabis plant around the world.
Parasite: An organism living on or in another living organism (host)
and obtaining its food from the latter.
Pathogen: An entity that can incite disease.
Peat moss: The partially decomposed remains of various mosses. Used
as a substrate.
Peduncle: The stalk of a flower or of a flower cluster.
Perennial: Living for more than two years or growing seasons.
Perianth: The floral envelopes; collectively the calyx and corolla,
especially when they are alike.
Perlite: A form of obsidian consisting of vitreous globules expandable
by heating and used for insulation but in our case it is used as a plant
growing medium.
Petiole: Leaf stalk.
pH: The pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution.
Photoperiod: The timed amount of light that a plant receives.
Photosynthesis: The chemical process in plants in which carbon
dioxide and water are converted into glucose by the influence of light
Phototropism: The inclination, which plants have, to grow towards
Phyllotaxy: How leaves are arranged on a branch or stem.
Pinching: Using the thumb and forefinger to lightly crush a branch or
stem which promotes further branching and causes the plant to bush
Pistil: The ovule-bearing organ of a flower.
Pollen: The male gametes or microspores of a seed plant, produced as
a fine granular or powdery substance in the anthers of a flower or the
male cone of a gymnosperm and usu. transported by wind or insects.
Pollinate: Convey pollen to or deposit pollen on a stigma, an ovule, a
flower, a plant and so allow fertilization.
Pot: Another term for cannabis.
Potency: The strength of the cannabis drug. Usually measured by the
THC levels in a plant.
Predator: A predator is an insect or animal that feeds off other
animals, insects or plants.
Pruning: The cutting and trimming of plants to remove dead or injured
wood, or to control and direct the new growth of a plant.
Red light: Usually refers to a Sodium based light (HPS).
Reefer : Another term used for dried cannabis. Specifically a cannabis
Resistance: The ability of an organism to exclude or overcome a
rH: Abbreviation for relative humidity. The relative humidity is
expressed in a percentage and measured with a hygrometer.
Roach : A filter for a cannabis cigarette.
Root ball: The network of roots along with the attached soil of any
given plant.
Root bound: A condition that exists when a potted plant has outgrown
its container.
Roots: The colorless underground, part of a vascular plant which
serves to anchor it and convey nourishment.
Rot: Rot is the disintegration, discoloration, and decomposition of
plant tissue.
Rust: Rust is a plant disease that gives a "rusty" appearance to an
infected surface of the plant.
Sativa: A species of cannabis plant.
Scorch: Scorch is the burning or drying and browning of leaf margins.
Usually caused by overfeeding.
Senescent: The growing old and dying back of plant tissue.
Sepal: Can mean a leaf or segment of the calyx.
Serrated: Having jagged edges.
Sinsemilla: Refers to non-pollinated female cannabis plants.
Skuff: Sifted resin from the cannabis plant.
Skunk: An old strain of cannabis that has a strong smell and sour
Spliff: A term used to describe a cannabis cigarette.
Staking: The practice of driving a stake into the ground next to, and as
a support for, a plant.
Stamen: The male organ of the flower that bears pollen.
Stash: A personal amount of cannabis.
Stigma: The receptive part of the pistil.
Stipule: Appendage at base of leaf stalk, often leaf or scale-like.
Stoma: An organ in the leaves of plants. The stomata allow the plant
to breathe.
Stout: Thick and sturdy.
Substrate: Refers to the growing medium.
Susceptible: Lacking the inherent ability to resist disease.
Symptom: The external and internal reactions or alterations of a plant
as a result of a disease.
Taxa: A group of plants, defined by the scientific plant classification
Terminal: At the tip of a structure.
Tetrahydrocannabinol/THC: The psychoactive cannabinoid in
marijuana that is responsible for the high or drug effect.
Thai stick: A cannabis sweet made by wrapping cannabis around a
thin bamboo splint.
THC: See - Tetrahydrocannabinol/THC.
Thinning: Removing some plants to allow sufficient room for the
remaining plants to grow.
Toke: To inhale cannabis.
Transpiration: The release of moisture through the leaves of a plant.
Transplant: The process of moving one plant from it’s medium to
another medium or another location.
Underground: A nasty term used to describe a movement of the people
who grow and share cannabis.
Vascular: Term applied to a plant tissue or region consisting of
conductive tissue.
Vegetative: The growth phase of a plant that occurs before flowering
and after the seedling stage.
Vermiculite: Any of a group of hydrated silicates resulting from the
alteration of biotite and ultra basic rocks; spec. a monoclinic aluminosilicate of magnesium occurring as platy yellow or brown
crystals or foliated scales. Flakes of this mineral used as a moisture-
holding medium for plant growth or a protective covering for bulbs
Virus: A sub microscopic obligate parasite consisting of nucleic acid
and protein.
Weed: A common term used to describe cannabis.
Whorl. Group of three or more structures of the same kind (generally
leaves or flower parts) at the same node.
Wilt: Wilt is what happens when the leaves of a plant droop.
Zonked: To be very stoned. Usually refers to the Indica type high.

Imagine trying to say all that in one breath!
It was good for me, was it good for you?
