Another - is it ready?

I didnt see the title saying from a month ago so I seen the first picture was like that's not ready at all..then I seen the other and was like...yep shes def ready
Advice on curing?

Don't want to mess this up.
Good job but dry it at 60 degrees and 60% humidity for 14 days for a slow dry and at that point just cut trim and jar keep a humidity gauge in the jar and it keep it around 55-60% and burp daily for a week or so. Ultimately your going to have to play around with that part depending on your conditions or if you cut it off the stalk to early or not. I don’t have the best conditions when I grow but I make do with my environment and what I have. But my ideal would be 60-60 for 14 days as it gives a smoother smoke drying slow
First one in a loooong time thats shown trichs that look ready, chop shes perfect. Wait longer if you want but this is primo.

I couldnt give two hoots what humidity is just find a room in your house that getscgood air exchange i.e. open door and the odd draft etc and just hang on a line like you would clothes.

After a week hanging its dry and will burn in a joint, it aint done yet as it needs another week for flavour and taste - you can smoke some every day from day 6 and see the taste and flavour come through.

All we want is for the bud to loose enough moisture to smoke and this will happen by hanging where moisture can escape and hence the room with exchange.

Once you got bud dry and waited for the flavour and taste simply jar as its done ready to smoke sell or bong.

Humidity merely means some in drier areas will have more drier bud, its not something we need to mess with generally :-)

Good job but dry it at 60 degrees and 60% humidity for 14 days for a slow dry and at that point just cut trim and jar keep a humidity gauge in the jar and it keep it around 55-60% and burp daily for a week or so. Ultimately your going to have to play around with that part depending on your conditions or if you cut it off the stalk to early or not. I don’t have the best conditions when I grow but I make do with my environment and what I have. But my ideal would be 60-60 for 14 days as it gives a smoother smoke drying slow
Humidity merely means some in drier areas will have more drier bud, its not something we need to mess with generally :-)
Yeah well I live in the desert so the humidity where I’m at is very low usually 10-20% so my plants can dry out fast as fuck and that’s not the name of the game so yeah humidity plays a factor in drying we can have our differences about that but i haven’t had a problem since. You ever heard of jungle boys??? They dry there weed at 60-60 for 14 days and there shit is smooth as fuck. You need a good flush and a good dry low and slow is better. I’ve had my plants dry in 3 days-14 days. If my plants dry in 3 days because the humidity is to low that’s not good.
Yeah well I live in the desert so the humidity where I’m at is very low usually 10-20% so my plants can dry out fast as fuck and that’s not the name of the game so yeah humidity plays a factor in drying we can have our differences about that but i haven’t had a problem since. You ever heard of jungle boys??? They dry there weed at 60-60 for 14 days and there shit is smooth as fuck. You need a good flush and a good dry low and slow is better. I’ve had my plants dry in 3 days-14 days. If my plants dry in 3 days because the humidity is to low that’s not good.
Your also from wales where the weather is much nicer and more forgiving than where I live and get quite a bit of rain so humidity isn’t your issue ever. Don’t forget there are places around the world where it’s way dryer and shit drys out faster so for me humidity is a big factor depending on the time of year it is and all of that.
First off few know much of anything thesedays so.everyones got some opinion - what i.prefer is to science the shit out of it and produce an overview nit just singular opinion and zero scientific fact.

But to the basic of badics so you humidity humpers can start agreeing - low humidity dosent make that much difference to the speed of drying, TEMPERATURE however makes a lot of difference like days difference.

So wtf are you chatting to me about, im basically having to write the book because you and others are too.stoned to educate yourselves.

Next a little bit more tricky is the volumes of science data and non mj industries who use 'EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT" To define what humudity means to drying.

Now your making wide claims im merely pulling the facts - Wether weed dries quick.or slow is irrelevant, the only concern is that it dried naturally and was not forced. The enzymatic processes and bacterial.ones arent based on speed but they do fuck up if forced.

This is rollitup and im here not the jungleboys and so.much of what you and they say dosent stack.up to facts and science.

At the right temperature of 18-20c weed will dry naturally in a lot of humidities (if your house is or cold well.i got to scratch my head because thats also.a perfect temp for a tent or light to grow so htf can younot achieve that.

One of us isnt a jungle boy hmmm i wonder :-)

Yeah well I live in the desert so the humidity where I’m at is very low usually 10-20% so my plants can dry out fast as fuck and that’s not the name of the game so yeah humidity plays a factor in drying we can have our differences about that but i haven’t had a problem since. You ever heard of jungle boys??? They dry there weed at 60-60 for 14 days and there shit is smooth as fuck. You need a good flush and a good dry low and slow is better. I’ve had my plants dry in 3 days-14 days. If my plants dry in 3 days because the humidity is to low that’s not good.
Again few know much thesedays or take time to educate....

Now you are right i in Wales, not lets see its winter and cold as got all windows closed and heating on full to get me warm at 18-20, now thats fucked my humidity and boy does it feel dry - below 30% verging on 20% at times plus the heat - bud dries primo and taste flavour come through fine, ya its a little drier than spring time bud but summer its hot so similar to summer time bud.

Nobody ever considers that we all live in a variety of climates yearly weekly daily seasonally.... Im the troll, i talk shit. Just you try to come at me, sit down smoke a joint and back.up in life a little :-(

Your also from wales where the weather is much nicer and more forgiving than where I live and get quite a bit of rain so humidity isn’t your issue ever. Don’t forget there are places around the world where it’s way dryer and shit drys out faster so for me humidity is a big factor depending on the time of year it is and all of that.
Yeah well I live in the desert so the humidity where I’m at is very low usually 10-20% so my plants can dry out fast as fuck and that’s not the name of the game so yeah humidity plays a factor in drying we can have our differences about that but i haven’t had a problem since. You ever heard of jungle boys??? They dry there weed at 60-60 for 14 days and there shit is smooth as fuck. You need a good flush and a good dry low and slow is better. I’ve had my plants dry in 3 days-14 days. If my plants dry in 3 days because the humidity is to low that’s not good.
Just ignore Kingrow, bro....he's a troll that cant differentiate between his mouth and his arse lol
Just ignore Kingrow, bro....he's a troll that cant differentiate between his mouth and his arse lol
That’s why I left it alone he knows all he can have his title and I’ll stay to stoned to do research. The high in the summer for him is 77 and that’s hot apparently. House kept at 60-68 during winter is better cuz the lack of having to run a ac what do I know lol apparently humidity doesn’t matter in dry climates either.