Another letter from Ron Paul


Too many brownies
I love this man!

"January 24, 2008

Thursday was both a good day and a bad day for Ron Paul.
First, the good news: Ron Paul has unveiled his Comprehensive Economic Revitalization Plan. Other candidates may peddle so-called "stimulus" packages, but only the bold economic vision laid out by Dr. Paul provides a real plan for reforming our economic system.
And Friday, newly appointed economic advisor Donald Luskin will discuss Ron Paul's economic plan on Mancow at 9:30 AM ET and on Ed Schultz at 1:30 PM ET. Listen in and enjoy!
Today we also unveiled a new graphic on our front page which we call "There were 11, now there are 5", which highlights the fact that over half of the original contenders for the GOP presidential nomination have now dropped out of the race. Who will be next? Can Rudy Giuliani survive more primary losses to Dr. Paul than the five he's already sustained?
But now the bad news: Not surprisingly, the political and media establishment are trying to stop Ron Paul's message from getting out. Just look at what's happening in Louisiana. The Louisiana Republican Party has only posted "unofficial" results from the state's Jan. 22 caucuses on their website. And they are claiming that John McCain won with Ron Paul in second.
But we suspect that when all of the provisional ballots are counted, Ron Paul's showing will be even better. For more information on the "boondoggle in the bayou", read ABC News' coverage here.
There's a ton going on, and as always, more news will be coming. But as you know, we are competing against an entrenched media and political elite. For that reason, it is even more important that we have the war chest necessary to get Dr. Paul's message - our message - out to the rest of our country. Donate as generously as you can now:
The fight has just begun.
Jonathan Bydlak
Fundraising Director
Ron Paul 2008"


Well-Known Member
Love Ron Paul! The only candidate speaking about what most Americans want- the absolutely only candidate with a 10 term record in Congress to prove it.
Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America

Louisianna is absolutely rediculous.. going on what 3 days for them to count 500 "provisional" ballots? Old voting lists used at the polls. Dates changed at the last minute so that the "other Republican candidates" could have more time to hand in their paper work? LOL.. Give me a break.. they're scared because they know the masses are awakening to the sound of liberty. =)


Too many brownies
Love Ron Paul! The only candidate speaking about what most Americans want- the absolutely only candidate with a 10 year record in Congress to prove it.
Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America

Louisianna is absolutely rediculous.. going on what 3 days for them to count 500 "provisional" ballots? Old voting lists used at the polls. Dates changed at the last minute so that the "other Republican candidates" could have more time to hand in their paper work? LOL.. Give me a break.. they're scared because they know the masses are awakening to the sound of liberty. =)
Yup, im a very strong supporter of Ron Paul. Ive made a few donations and I have his signs and sitckers everywhere :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yup, im a very strong supporter of Ron Paul. Ive made a few donations and I have his signs and sitckers everywhere :blsmoke:
LOL.. I've fasted and gone without smoking weed (for a spell) for that man... :blsmoke: Sign waves, canvassing, blogging, writing letters, donating.. I don't know what else to do! LOL... so many people to reach, so little time.

How I spent the nerve wracking time waiting for the NH results... (btw, we completely got fucked in the live free or DIEBOLD state)

yeah.. you could say I'm a little dedicated... LMFAOOO :blsmoke:


Too many brownies
LOL.. I've fasted and gone without smoking weed (for a spell) for that man... :blsmoke: Sign waves, canvassing, blogging, writing letters, donating.. I don't know what else to do! LOL... so many people to reach, so little time.

How I spent the nerve wracking time waiting for the NH results... (btw, we completely got fucked in the live free or DIEBOLD state)

yeah.. you could say I'm a little dedicated... LMFAOOO :blsmoke:
I wish he would win....its our only chance


Well-Known Member
I wish he would win....its our only chance
No shit. A Paul Administration or a REAL revolution in the name of love.

Four boxes to use in the defense of liberty: Soap box, ballot box, jury box, ammo box. In that order...

To say the least, I've gotten a gun.. LOL...

Next mission.. get out of the control


Well-Known Member
LOL.. I've fasted and gone without smoking weed (for a spell) for that man... :blsmoke: Sign waves, canvassing, blogging, writing letters, donating.. I don't know what else to do! LOL... so many people to reach, so little time.

How I spent the nerve wracking time waiting for the NH results... (btw, we completely got fucked in the live free or DIEBOLD state)

yeah.. you could say I'm a little dedicated... LMFAOOO :blsmoke:
Wow your my new hero, milf. I'm not even joking in the slightest.


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Love Ron Paul! The only candidate speaking about what most Americans want- the absolutely only candidate with a 10 year record in Congress to prove it.
Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America

Louisianna is absolutely rediculous.. going on what 3 days for them to count 500 "provisional" ballots? Old voting lists used at the polls. Dates changed at the last minute so that the "other Republican candidates" could have more time to hand in their paper work? LOL.. Give me a break.. they're scared because they know the masses are awakening to the sound of liberty. =)

10 terms...30 years.


Well-Known Member
saddly nobody knows who RP is or care what he's about in my state,IL.
birth home of-hillary
IL rep-obama
I can only hope that RP can carry the west,fingers crossed/knock on wood/salt over right shoulder ect ect.


Well-Known Member
saddly nobody knows who RP is or care what he's about in my state,IL.
birth home of-hillary
IL rep-obama
I can only hope that RP can carry the west,fingers crossed/knock on wood/salt over right shoulder ect ect.

Get organized and get the message out. Our local meetup group has ran 50000 inserts in local papers and we are only getting started. Go to and find a group near you. A brokered RNC can get Paul the nomination. He needs your help!


Well-Known Member
saddly nobody knows who RP is or care what he's about in my state,IL.
birth home of-hillary
IL rep-obama
I can only hope that RP can carry the west,fingers crossed/knock on wood/salt over right shoulder ect ect.
I'm in Illinois. :evil: this is not a lost cause, we have more volunteers in Illinois than Iowa had. Supporters who "opt out" of helping this campaign because "oh everyones blah blah here"-- you are the reason Ron Paul isn't doing better. Put your values into your actions- the personal reward is better than any high. The southwest and western Chicago suburbs are littered with Ron Paul signs. The only other candidate sign I've seen in this state is Obama, and that was only in the inner city.

Obama and Hillary supporters are easy to convert-- Obama and Hillary both have no substance. LOL.. both have no records to go with their claims..and once their real plans and records are revealed it's scary shyt!

we're in Illinois- we of all people know Obama won't do shit! He runs like a bitch when he has to vote on something that is a doule edge sword (meaning, if he votes for it he could look bad, if he votes against if he could look bad) I can't believe we pay Congress to OPT OUT of giving an opinion. Then we wonder why it's so easy for our government to be bought-- duh, the only one's voting on shyt are the people being paid to, everyone else is to fuckin' scare to "tarnish" their precious political career.


Well-Known Member
Plus, here in Illinois, the voter registration date just passed on Tuesday. (I went and got to cast my vote already for Dr. Paul) So now we focus on the registered Republicans.. they're JUST AS EASY TO CONVERT. The only person record and morals wise we might have had a problem with was Thompson, but he dropped out. The rest of the Republican candidates have no substance to them AT ALL. The only thing holding Ron Paul back is people's misconceptions about his views or they've never heard of him. THAT'S WHY WE MUST DO WHAT WE CAN TO GET DR. PAULS VIEWS AND NAME OUT THERE.


Well-Known Member
I'd like Either RON PAUL or Mike Gravel to win the election saddly i think its going to be obama or the cunt clinton. RON PAUL seems like an LSD addict to me.


Well-Known Member
Yes i do know that.I dont give a fuck if theyre republican or democratic i base my vote on the person i think is best fit to run this country.


Well-Known Member
Yes i do know that.I dont give a fuck if theyre republican or democratic i base my vote on the person i think is best fit to run this country.
Just making sure, wasn't sure what state you were in. A lot of the states you have to switch officially to republican to vote in the republican primary/caucus, a lot of the deadlines have passed as well. All the other names you mentioned were democrat.. jus insuring Ron Paul supporters are aware how to make their voises heard. :blsmoke: