another light question(pics)


Active Member
:confused: I went down to lows today and walla a clearence table in the light section i checked it out and they had these MH canopy lights 75 watts and they were originaly 99$ but they got marked down to 40$ so i was like sure i buy them so i picked up 2 and what do ya know i get them rung up at the cash register and they got marked down even more down to 24$ so i payed 50$ for 2 75 watt MH lights with ballest built in but then i thought to myself after all the exitement was over about them being so cheap are these lights any good for anything.......
well can anybody answer this ...can a vegitate my plants with 2 of these ???
and i also have this outher fluoro light its 85 watts ....can i do anything with this light also ...........:blsmoke:



Active Member
You might be able to make something out of this. how many plants are you planning on growing and how big is you grow room


Active Member
Well as of right now i got a 1000watt hps .......but i cant afford another 400watt-1000watt mhs so i was looking for an afordable solution to an inexpensive way to vegitate my plants.......
my room is well ...the side im flowering in is about 7x8x9 and its closed off in a room that is about 11x8x9 so i have this much room left over that i would like to put into a veging room.................
i still have another 4x8x9 feet


Uses the Rollitup profile
Those 2 lights will grow plants just fine in a 2x2 foot area, maybe 3x3 for vegging small plants.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
well it seemd to work for me so far tho the cfl bulb worked which was 85 watts better then the 2 MH (75 watts each) the plants are growing straight at the cfl bulb rather then the MH lights so think im gonna buy another cfl bulb ..........but yes all is well so far THANKS for thee info and help ill post um pics l8r .......and also for my first time i got a 100% germanation rate on 22 seeds i wonder how many are fem........
anybody got an idead how long it takes to find out ............:confused: :joint:


Active Member
Well So Far So Good I Have 2 85 Watt Cfls And One 25 Watt Cfl Sittin Above 20 Baby Seeds There Almost A Month Old And They All Look Pretty Good I Guess I Gotta Wait Another Month Till I Can Switch Them 12/12 To Sex Them


Well-Known Member
sounds good man, wow i havent got to see 85w cfl's. Are they 85 or soething is equal to them ? so u live by the border huh


Active Member
yhea there 85 watt i found them at lows there canopy lights for a garage or wherhouse..... i think they are actully workin 2


Well-Known Member

Keep in mind, when they develop enough mass to really start growing they are going to take aot of space.



Active Member
I went off and got the same flourescent lights. They are actually flood lights and mine was only 65 watts but on the box it said it was equal to 500 watts. I got three of them for $42 each. So far so good. I think i'm going to end up getting a 400 watt mh light though and place the flourescents on the ground shining upwards.