Another Mind Bender-What Are Thoughts Made Of?


Well-Known Member
Ok ... so I'm blazin and meditating and then I pondered:
"What are thoughts made of?"
"What is consciousness made of"

Anyone got any ideas?
Thoughts come from a secretion thats is extracted then photosynthesized during the metamorphism and then reciprocated throughout the hyper flux capacitor gland in the cranium....Er...Uhhh.....yea man thats it!!!:)
i think consciousness is a collection of chemicals which act upon our nerves in the brain and are picked up by our senses. Its all in your head seriously, it's just a manifestation of our brain. Always good to think about when your chief'd out !) If you meditate then you'll know for sure. just unlock the 7 chakras! Much Love
Thoughts are made of string, tape, four buttons, doritos and those little umbrellas you get in tropical drinks.
i once did an acid trip where i realised that the universe is simply the collection of all our thoughts. i think Buddha once said somethin similar.

yeah consciousness is one of those weird things that just works. yeah the brain has chemicals. i saw this film called "What the Bleep do we know?" and they were talkin all about quantum physics. it all gets proper mind bending under a multi-million dollar microscope.
i once did an acid trip where i realised that the universe is simply the collection of all our thoughts. i think Buddha once said somethin similar.

yeah consciousness is one of those weird things that just works. yeah the brain has chemicals. i saw this film called "What the Bleep do we know?" and they were talkin all about quantum physics. it all gets proper mind bending under a multi-million dollar microscope.
its true!
if the world was blind drunk all at the same time, that would be a new reality.
If we all were dizzy(whirling sensation and a tendency to fall)in are new reality,we could feel the earth spining.
brain chemicals can unlock the evolution questions and all unknowns-truth is a frame of mind,doesnt really make it true or fact,just are reality.
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Consciousness is capable of making its own reality, and different states can be achieved through manners of meditation, music, and psychedelics. Shamanism is a great example of this. As for what consciousness is physically made of, I would have to say electrons pumped in bursts through the nerves of your brain, I think chemicals in the brain just change how we perceive these electron signals.:)
To me the body and mind are just my own personal computer that I,the "it" within,control.
I think that my consciousness is made out of pure energy that has evolved into an intelligence:blsmoke:
Consciousness (im so baked i had to copy and paste that, cant spell4 shit) is just a series of electrical and chemical reactions insiide your brain. Try hard enogh and yoi ccan control it and you can do wierd shit all with the power of your mind. Personally i just get baked and let it do its own thing.
If a man is married , and has a girlfriend on the side .... she is called his mistress..
If a woman is married and has a boyfriend on the side , What is he called ..????