Another nute (Advanced Nutrients) question...


Active Member
Doing my first hydro run with an ebb & flow setup, purchasing all my nutes up front but a couple questions on what to get...

Planning on using AN SensiGrow & SensiBloom. I see some folks on here using Voodoo Juice & Big Bud along with those two...any feedback? Also Voodoo Juice if I remember said something about being organic on the label I think? Will mixing organic & regular nutes do anything to the nute soup? Not looking to maximize yield as much as just get through my first run with hydro and learn as much as I can.

Appreciate any/all feedback. thx


Well-Known Member
all i would use from AN

big bud powder
carboload (maybe)

other than that go with cheaper shitz


Well-Known Member
Voodoo Juice and Big Bud are two of my favorites. Just make sure you follow the instructions. For example, you don't need to use Voodoo Juice every time. A little goes a long way, I only add it to every third batch of nutrients.

You can mix regular and organic nutrients as much as you like, the only drawback is you can't technically call your crop "organic" if you put some stuff in there that isn't organic.

If you have any questions I'm happy to help as best I can.