Another on of these: Estimate my yield!

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I am bored as fuck right now and jobless so I figured I would put up a thread to waste your precious time. These are my 3 nirvana Papaya girls 4.5 weeks into flower. What ballpark figure do you think I might end up with dry or wet. Its under a 400w MH bulb and fed 10-54-10 nutes. Yea I know I get more with hps. I'm working on it. Whats your guess. Whoever gets closest to the actual wieght will get a BJ from my wife.:bigjoint:

Here is a group shot:

Here is a close up of one of my favs:



Well-Known Member
Damn the bj sounds great. My guess would be 82 grams dryed up and maybe 150 wet. Now thats at optimal 400 watt conditions for those strains and of course if you flower as long as possible


Well-Known Member
Edit: Nvmd Logged in , Pictures working now.

Can We get a full Picture of them babies, or is that all thur is to see


New Member
How bout some "Anal"action,"Bootylicious".I say 3oz.If no anal,How bout some "Slutty" Anal picz.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I vegged for a little longer than normal because of an issue I had with MG soil. They grew like hell for a while then they just stopped. I changed soil then they took off again. They went about 6-7 weeks. I flowered at 12" though. Thats how long it took to get there. This is my first real grow so I'm taking my time with it. Ill put a few pics up to show how it got here.












Theres a timeline for ya. Check out my journal sometime also.