another quick question lol


Well-Known Member
Ok, well some how today my pot got knocked over and broke. so i had to improvise, im using a 44 oz sonic cup.... lol biggest thing i had at the moment. so i took the biggest and best looking and put it in the cup. other 3are in my flower garden out front, they prob wont survive. anyways, the plant i picked this morning isint "perked up" and happy anymore. its still green and healthy looking. just looks sad lol. is this a bad sign? im being honest here.


Well-Known Member
The cup is only temp. will be replaced by the weekend hopefully. oh, will a 26 watt cfl from the top and a 13 watt on either side suffice for one plant? untill veg at least? plant is a week old


Well-Known Member
A 44oz. cup is fine for a seedling that is only a week old. I start mine in 16oz. cups and leave them in there for 2-3 weeks.. actually growing from seed to harvest in a couple 16oz. cups too. When you transplant generally the plant will be a bit shocked and will droop like you said, it's perfectly normal. In a day or 2 it should perk back up.. I would also just leave her in the cup for a little while longer if it's only a week old (make sure you have drainage holes in the cup too). As for lighting thats kinda slim, but it could work I guess.. just make sure the bulbs are as close as humanly possible, those can probably touch the plant. If you can upgrade to a HPS for flower that would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
Wait, so ur saying i could leave it in the 44oz cup all the way thru harvest? that would help me out considering im tryin to be discreet about this. with a container that size how big would it grow? about a foot or so? im about to obtain some lowryders, so a small plant would be ideal to practice on. and i know this one will produce some good bud, i got the seed out of some amazing. fire i had.


Well-Known Member
Yea, it's up to you.. I've been growing 4plants in 6L pots in my space but i'm going to be switching too 12 plants in these: Novosel Enterprises - Square Pot Deep 4" - Deep square plastic flower pots .. about 1/3 of a gallon I think.

Depending on how big it is now is how big it will get in the end. I flowered these one's at about 3 inches tall, and they are all 15-17 inches tall. I have 3 in 16oz. cups flowering as well but I stressed them out a bit so there not packin on the weight like the others yet (16oz. cups is a bit small but i've seen it done..), and they ended up a bit shorter at an average of 14" each.



Well-Known Member
Damn, 14in in a 16oz cup, then my plant theoretically would be about 2-2 1/2 feet. im fine with that. how much do you harvest (yeild) on such a small plant? i've read the lowryders are about an oz a plant.


Well-Known Member
Yea I average 3/4-1oz. per plant. When I switch to the smaller pots i'll be shooting for 1/2 oz. a plant.. if I can get that, then that will double what I average now.