another sick plant from another f-ing newbie


Any ideas and or suggestions on this one? She's a Dutch Passion Twilight. About 2 months old. Outdoor grow. 5 gal bucket with holes n rocks at bottom for drainage. The evil MG time release soil (I know I shoulda done more research...rrr...) Temps here have been high 80s with high humidity. I watered Monday n had a light rain on Wed. She looked great yesterday. I sprayed with some neem oil spray (Garden Safe brand) at 3am this morning. At noon she looked wilted but still green. At 8pm she looks even worse with some visable yellowing. My other girls still look fine.
sick passion.jpg
passion dead.jpg


Well-Known Member
She looks drowned if anything...

The second picture I can't tell if it's yellowing or just the sun.

But she looks soaked to the gills...


Thats what I thought when I saw her earlier. So I figured she'd recover since it was so hot n sunny today. Instead she looks worse. Shes a lil yellow toward the bottom, with some brown spotting. I didn't mean to imply the Neem Oil had anything to do with it. I used it last week and it was fine. My guess is that there was a large amount of the time release fert in there and an usually large amount released at the same time over fertilizing her.


Undercover Mod
It doesn't seem to be overfeeding yet anyways. Lift the bucket and check to see if its soaked or dry.


if leaves are yellowing and spoting try to flush the plant for some time and make sure you have proper drainage for your soil older plants can handle large amounts of fertlizer vs thier younger counter parts if after flushing there is no improvement change soil and hope for the best


Ya, you are prolly right bout that. I just felt I had to try something. How long should I wait for signs of improvement before going ahead and trying to transplant her into good soil?


Well-Known Member
I'm on my first grow so don't take what I say to heart but I don't think she needed a flush I think she just needed water... maybe have to water her a TAD more often?