Another Stupid Hermi Question...It's so hard to let go sometimes....


I always pull anything but pure female but I have this know where I'm going with this.... It is so full and beautiful...I moved it to a secure location and am experimenting with neutering the bastard. I know I am wasting my time and yours but has there ever been a successful attempt? I already know the answer...but damn....:sad:


Well-Known Member
Just keep ripping those dicks off there... You know if you take those off and pollinate the same plant you will make female seeds


Well I successfully stopped the production of balls at the expense of yield, all flowering stopped and it's finishing up with no seeds. It works but at a cost. I will keep experimenting and see what happens.


Nevermind, I just have some fems that have a high level of male hormones, they give false male pods when they start to flower. This was just a coincidence...I am going to end that line, cloning them would be like moving backwards.