Answer me this +rep


New Member
To simplify that link, and perhaps quote or paraphrase a classic movie, it's real scientific shit.


Well-Known Member
gc= gas chromatography, Its a seperation technique used to seperate a combination of coumpounds, by vapor pressure or boiling pt. THC, canabinods w/e that article said have diff boiling points. You put ur sample into the gc machine and it get vaporized into a "mobile phase" (via a carrier gas, inert). It then goes through a capplillary column thats heated to a program to increase over time. As time progresses smaller cmpds come out first and are detected followed by bigger ones (their retention time). Depending on the width of your peaks tells your molar concentration in comparison to the original sample (the area under the peak)=thc%. Left out some stuff not about to get analytical chem on you.


Well-Known Member
u need a machine that cost about 10k cheapest
yes and no...your right, if you wanted to do it yourself, it would be expensive. but it cost 200-300 usd to get a test kit. you then send the samples to a lab, and they send you back a report.


Well-Known Member
Most legit labs would be under onus to report samples like that with schedule 1 compounds.