Anti-Marijuana help


Well-Known Member
There are numerous works to be cited...try to get this person to watch The Union, The business behind getting high. It makes a lot of really good points in a way that people respond well to.

Or find the first study where they said that MJ killed brain cells, but once the report was published it turned out that they were giving the monkeys nothing but smoke for 5 minutes at a time...with no of course the monkeys kept losing brain cells...they were suffocating them for 5 minutes at a


Well-Known Member
yeah just refute it by looking at the"mocktail" recipes.

Going out drinking can be...[/h]
A good laugh
Though sometimes it's...
The pits, if you end up doing something you regret, or making yourself ill.​
But it doesn't have to involve...
A bucketful of booze.
Fun can be alcohol-free.
Mocktails. It's all about choice.


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Why throw a house party?[/h]

Some students throw large house parties to continue a legacy or tradition in that particular house or in association with a particular group. Some students throw house parties for notoriety, some do it to take advantage of naive, underage freshmen, and many end up with a large party because their intended small gathering got out of hand. Some people do it for the money. (At $5 a head and a couple hundred people, the beer is paid for and so is the rent for that month...) And, at least until the next morning or until some of the negative consequences start happening, a big party can feel really fun and exciting.
The type of party associated with the least amount of negative consequences or lowest risk is one (with a list at the door) at which the hosts of the party know everyone present. As a result, there is no question about how many people will attend. And, by knowing everyone in their house, the risk of damage, theft, legal problems, and loss of control is greatly minimized. This leaves everyone to enjoy the positives of having a party – relaxation, hanging out with friends, laughter, music/dance, food.


Well-Known Member
well lets look at my case, which i presented to my anti-marijuana aunt on my wedding night.

I told her that for years after my moms death people had (still do but not so much since i started smoking pot! takes time 2 heal) told me that i must be in a state of depression and should get checked out. I didnt feel like it though. i felt "normal" or at least as normal as i could be. When she passed away my 1 sister turned to meth, my other turned to alcohol as did my dad (he as sober 8 years) but i shunned myself into a hole away from friends and the majority of my family. When i was a teen i was a happy go lucky, fun loving "jock" that would get the most excitement out of life. I turned into an asshole, kinda like a prick or as some have recently said i was "stuck up" but i wasnt. I was depressed and didnt know it.
As i kept getting deeper into depression i became someone else, someone i never really wanted to be and had no idea i had become until i found marijuana. i was 30 when i first smoked pot and it was a revelation! I felt as if i were an 18 year old again with nothing but happy thoughts. It really leveled me out and brought ME back. From time to time i still get depressed but thats due to my dads passing this past October 31st. But that too shall heal and only with the help of Marijuana. I refuse pills as im not big on meds unless im absolutely in dire need!
Hope this makes sense, got quite the headache and dizziness goin on due to me being sick. I can say without a doubt that marijuana has saved my life and my relationship with my wife, though we barely got married weve been together some 13 years.


Well-Known Member
have your friend watch this and then see if he/she can deny the positive affects MMJ has...
stay high


Well-Known Member
You will probably not convince any one of anything they do not want to understand.
"Man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest la la la la la" ~ Simon and Garfunkle

Tell them to google medical marujuana benefits and see how much they REALLY care to see the other side.
My guess is not much. Therefore a waist of your valuable time.


Well-Known Member
LOL,wow how fucking acenine the information is on is ridiculous.Its definitely propogandist.It states that it reduces sperm count and libido,thats blatantly innacurate.another one of the little BS facts i was reading on this little site was that fat is stored mostly in the Brain and reproductive organs,,thats bullshit.Fats stored mostly in the liver then gets transported to storage places on the body like abdomen,legs,hips ets thats pretty basic knowledge in the medical field.


Well-Known Member
lol wtf?? One line says is reduces sperm...then the next line says it produces sperm....its either one or the other....and LOL at the weight room "statement"...


Active Member
I had a conspiracy theory period, durring which time I was in serious denial. I would only filter through information that fitted the conspiracys and disregard genuine sceptics. Happy to say I grew out of that.

The only arguments that I can get to work against anti-cannabis folks is ones to do with the fallacys in THEIR arguments. Such as poor inductive reasoning, cherrypicked studies, and often basic causal fallacys.

take this for eg - 'I'm a regular smoker and I suffer from depression'
- 'A certain % of cannabis smokers suffer from depression'
therefore - 'Smoking cannibis is what is causing my depression'


Well-Known Member
Will they watch an hour documentary?
